Monday, August 13, 2007

Footnote 35 of Amicus Brief in "Webster v. Reproductive Health Services" by Christine Torre, et al.

[The footnote below is from an Amicus Brief filed before the United States Supreme Court. It is notable due to the detestable quotes it contains from Abortionist Edward Allred. At the end of the footnote, Allred's comments are contrasted with those of Planned Parenthood foundress Margaret Sanger. Below the footnote, I have added a quote from Neo-Nazi Tom Metzger and placed it side by side with the comments from Abortionist Edward Allred and Planned Parenthood's Margaret Sanger. ]

The highly inflammatory remarks attributed by several newspapers to Dr. Edward Allred, owner of the largest chain of abortion clinics in California, had caused some to attribute the abortion deaths of several Black and Hispanic women to racial prejudice.

"On the Edge of the Racist Pit," The Daily Californian, October 14, 1980, at 4B, col. 1. "Doctor Labeled 'Racist' in Abortion Suit," at B-1, col. 1 (describing a $14 million lawsuit filed against Dr. Allred in connection with the abortion death of 16-year-old Patricia Chacon in which it was alleged that Chacon had "received substandard medical treatment as a result of her race and ancestry, rather than medical treatment based on her . . . condition and needs," id. at col. 2, quoting Jack Schuler, attorney for Patricia Chacon's parents).

The following remarks upon which the allegation was made had been attributed to Dr. Allred in a story which appeared in the San Diego Union:

"Population control is too important to be stopped by some right-wing pro-life types. Take the new influx of Hispanic immigrants. Their lack of respect of democracy and social order is frightening. I hope I can do something to stem that tide; I'd set up a clinic in Mexico for free if I could. Maybe one in Calexico would help. The survival of our society could be at stake. . . . The Aid to Families With Dependent Children program is the worst boondoggle ever created. When a sullen black woman can decide to have a baby and get welfare and food stamps and become a burden to all of us it's time to stop. In parts of South Los Angeles having babies for welfare is the only industry the people have."- "Doctor's Abortion Business is Lucrative," San Diego Union, B-1, col. 1 (Oct. 12, 1980).

Dr. Allred's aversion to government subsidies did not prevent him from collecting approximately $3 million in public subsidies in 1980 for performing abortions. Dr. Allred's statements reflect the same philosophy as demonstrated by Margaret Sanger, the founder and heroine of Planned Parenthood when she said "[t]he most successful educational approach to the Negro is through a religious appeal. We do not want the word to go out that we want to exterminate the Negro population, and the minister is the man who can straighten out that idea if it ever occurs to any of their more rebellious members." E. Drogin, Margaret Sanger, Father of Modern Society 33 (1986), citing Gordon, Woman's Body, Woman's Right: A Social History of Birth Control in America 33 (1976).


Neo Nazi Tom Metzger:

Covertly invest into non-White areas, invest in ghetto abortionclinics. Help to raise money for free abortions, in primarily non-White areas. Perhaps abortion clinic syndicates throughout North America, thatprimarily operate in non-White areas and receive tax support, should bepromoted.”

Abortionist Edward Allred:

"I'd set up a clinic in Mexico for free if I could. Maybe one in Calexico would help. The survival of our society could be at stake. . . . The Aid to Families With Dependent Children program is the worst boondoggle ever created. When a sullen black woman can decide to have a baby and get welfare and food stamps and become a burden to all of us it's time to stop. In parts of South Los Angeles having babies for welfare is the only industry the people have."

Planned Parenthood Foundress Margaret Sanger:

"[t]he most successful educational approach to the Negro is through a religious appeal. We do not want the word to go out that we want to exterminate the Negro population, and the minister is the man who can straighten out that idea if it ever occurs to any of their more rebellious members."

Sunday, August 12, 2007

George Grant's Biography of Margaret Sanger Now Free Online

Killer Angel: A Biography of Planned Parenthood's Founder Margaret Sanger is now available free in its entirety on line here: . This book by George Grant is a must read for anyone who wants to know more about Margaret Sanger.

Here are some of the comments on this book from the above link:

A Shocking Look at Feminism's Patron Saint

"George Grant's writing is an invaluable asset to Americans in general, and to the pro-life Americans in particular. I am grateful for his leadership and courage to defend the sanctity of life, and to tell the truth at all costs."

Beverly LaHaye, President of Concerned Women for America

"George Grant is an international treasure. His brilliant mind is matched only by his beautiful prose. I am grateful for his timely and persistent prolificacy."

Geoffrey Still, President of Focus on the Family Canada

"Research, detail, accuracy. Three obvious distinctions of Dr. Grant's work."

David Clydesdale, composer, conductor, and recording artist

"When I read the writing of George Grant, I am struck by his anointed ability to analyze and discern his subjects. His depth of knowledge and clarity of thought will impact your life and sharpen your views."

James Robison, President of Life Outreach International

"George Grant is a prophetic figure whose wisdom and insight shines like a beacon through the contemporary fog of our culture, calling a generation drunk on modern myths back to sobriety in the truth of God's Word."

Steve Camp, composer, musician, and recording artist

"George Grant is a careful historian with an artist's touch. He communicates truth with grace and beauty."

Gary Whitby, columnist for Christianity Today

Dr. George Grant is the author of nearly three dozen books on history, politics, theology, and social issues, including the best-selling Grand Illusions, The Micah Mandate, and Bringing in the Sheaves. He is the director of King's Meadow Study Center, and instructor at Whitefield Theological Seminary, and a Teaching Fellow at Franklin Classical School.

Saturday, August 11, 2007

Thursday, August 09, 2007

Monday, August 06, 2007

Hillary's October Surprise: Pro-life PSA's?

The LA Times recently reported the following:

At a recent presidential forum, Sen. Hillary Rodham Clinton of New York decried the failure of activists on both sides to work together to bring down the number of abortions. She repeated a mantra her husband made famous more than a decade ago: Abortion, she said, should be "safe, legal and rare."

Then Clinton paused and added deliberately: "And by rare, I mean rare."

So while keeping abortion legal, what steps can Hillary immediately take to help make abortion rare, "and by rare, I mean rare."

If Hillary is serious about making abortion "rare," there are some very serious steps she can take instantly that will reduce the number of abortions very quickly - - all without changing abortion laws.

One model Hillary could follow is the anti-smoking campaign. While cigarette smoking remains legal in this country, much is being done to discourage this behavior. Let's take a look at some of these steps and how they can be applied to making abortion rare.

1) When politicians want to discourage certain behaviors they usually put a tax on them.

Taxing anything reduces demand...this is just simple economics. Abortions usually cost in the range of $800 to $1,000. A 50% tax on abortions would certainly drive down the demand.

A tax on abortions? I know Democrats love taxes, but I don't see Hillary backing this one.

2) Public Service Announcements

We have seen the effectiveness of hip, targeted anti-smoking commercials in reducing teen smoking. Imagine Hillary popping on MTV for a PSA featuring a 3D ultrasound machine, and saying something like, "If you are pregnant and not sure what to do, don't harm this little guy. Get yourself to a crisis pregnancy center where they will treat both you and your unborn child with care and respect. "

Stop for a second and imagine the impact of Hillary sending a message like this to young women. It might not instantly make abortion rare, "and by rare I mean rare," but many lives would be saved.

Can we expect to see this from Hillary? Well, yes, if she was actually sincere about reducing the numbers of abortion.

3) Federally Funded Respect Life Education Campaign

Today, our schools have all kinds of campaigns wholly unrelated to Reading, Writing and Arithmatic. There is DARE teaching kids about the danger of drugs, anti-bullying campaigns, anti-smoking campaigns and all sorts of specials causes.

Certainly, if Hillary wants to make abortion rare, she would be willing to champion a massive federal education campaign in our schools to teach our children to Respect Life.

Such a campaign could use the latest and best medical evidence and technological advancements to call for tolerance, compassion, and mercy toward the least of our brothers and sisters, the unborn. Focused on fetology and the humanity of the unborn, such a campaign would include public service announcements on television and radio as well as billboards throughout the country with a particular focus on inner city neighborhoods where the abortion rate is at epidemic proportions. This information would also be brought into classrooms across the country and a world class prolife curriculum would be developed for children K thru 12.

We know that up to ninety percent of women considering abortion choose life if they are permitted to view the child on an ultrasound. Bring these ultrasound videos into our public schools and make our unborn children the stars of scientific and factual public education campaign.

An ambitious public education campaign focused on the humanity of the unborn child is the least we should expect from a committed progressive like Hillary who, in her own words, wants to make abortion rare, "and by rare I mean rare."

Hillary's Surprising Solution

So does Hillary really want to make abortion rare? All of the above steps can be taken without making abortion illegal, without restricting a women's "right to choose," and without overruling Roe v Wade?

No, this is not what Hillary intends to do. She has another even more surprising solution.

FREE federally funded ABORTIONS !

According to Life Site News:

The advent of socialized health care and massive taxpayer abortion subsidies may take the United States by stealth, unless the new health care bill proposed by Democrats Sen. Hillary Clinton (D-NY) and Rep. John Dingle (D-MI) is vetoed by President Bush.

Now let's get this straight. If we look again at the anti-smoking campaign, one of the solutions was to drive down demand by making cigarettes more expensive with a cigarette tax.

Would Hillary really claim that she wanted to make smoking rare, "and by rare I mean rare," while at the same time advocating free cigarettes for everyone?

Abortions currently cost between $800 and $1,00 dollars and Hillary is claiming she wants to make abortion RARE while at the same time she is actually working to make them FREE.

So does Hillary really want to make abortion rare or does she actually want to make them free?

Well, if you listen to Clinton's words, you can believe she wants to make abortion rare. But if you look at her voting record, you will realize she wants to make them free and plentiful.

Saturday, August 04, 2007