The Truth About Margaret Sanger
"I accepted an invitation to talk to the women's branch of the Ku Klux Klan...I saw through the door dim figures parading with banners and illuminated crosses...I was escorted to the platform, was introduced, and began to speak...In the end, through simple illustrations I believed I had accomplished my purpose. A dozen invitations to speak to similar groups were proffered." (Margaret Sanger: An Autobiography, P.366)
Wednesday, December 31, 2014
Mary Wagner arrested again in Toronto while speaking to abortion-minded women
This is important. Please pray for Mary Wagner and help spread this story - and send Mary a Christmas Card!
From our friend at LifeSiteNews.com:
From our friend at LifeSiteNews.com:
Mary Wagner arrested again in Toronto while speaking to abortion-minded women
Mary Wagner was arrested Tuesday morning after entering the Bloor West Village Women’s Clinic. Mary entered the abortion facility around 9:15 a.m., with pairs of white and red roses with attached pregnancy support hot-line cards. She had pro-life counselling pamphlets available to give to the women who were scheduled for abortions that hour.
It did not take very long for the police to arrive, three cruisers within 35 minutes. Mary was arrested and handcuffed around 10:00 a.m. Several supporters were outside on the sidewalk, praying and distributing pro-life pamphlets to the general public. One of the supporters, Father Paul Nicholson of the London Catholic Diocese, was present to lend moral and spiritual support to Mary. He stated that Mary is acting in solidarity with the victims of abortion, and that her action is “pricking the guilty conscience of a nation that is pretending to play dumb” when it comes to the killing of innocent unborn human beings.
Mary will be spending Christmas with fellow inmates at Vanier Centre for Women, in Milton, Ontario. Court dates will be set on Wednesday.
Supporters are asking that people keep Mary in their prayers this Christmas season and help “build her prison cell” with Christmas cards and letters of support. Her address is Mary Wagner, c/o Vanier Centre for Women prison, P.O.Box 1040, 655 Martin St., Milton, ON, L9T 5E6. To arrange a visit with Mary, call at least 2 days before, 905-876-8300, extension 8315. Visiting hours are 2:00, 2:45, 6:15, and 7:00 pm.
To support LifeSiteNews.com click here:
Wednesday, December 17, 2014
KlannedParenthood.com - Visit this today!
We have mentioned it before, but the Klanned Parenthood.com site is tremendous. If you are a student researching Planned Parenthood for a term paper or research paper, visit Klanned Parenthood.com for loads of information and resources. Need ideas for your pro-life group or looking for a way to get involved, do some bulk mailings of the brilliantly conceived Klanned Parenthood.com brochure. It will change hearts and minds! Some great info on Margaret Sanger as well. These guys are doing essential work, support them however you can!

Tuesday, December 16, 2014
NOW pres: It’s ok, Margaret Sanger didn’t just hate Blacks
It is impossible to defend the ugly racist who founded Planned Parenthood. When Margaret Sanger spoke at her first Ku Klux Klan rally, the crowd went gaga and invited her to more hate rallies. "A dozen invitations to speak to similar groups were proffered." (Margaret Sanger: An Autobiography, P.366)
So you can't blame the hapless President of NOW for this feeble defense of the KKK's favorite keynote speaker:
Laurie Bertram Roberts, Mississippi State Pres. of the National Organization of Women, comments on Margaret Sanger’s racism:
“First of all, Margaret Sanger did not work on abortion. She worked on birth control. Context is everything. I will never deny that Margaret Sanger was connected to the eugenics movement, what they (abortion opponents) never bothered to say is that eugenicists also wanted to limit the birth rate of poor white people and disabled people. It wasn’t just Black people; it was a whole lot of people they deem to be unfit.”
Quoted in “Thank God for Stupid Enemies” Speaker for the Dead WEDNESDAY, APRIL 16, 2014
From Anna Wolf “Using the KKK to Fight Abortion Rights” Jackson Free Press April 16, 2014
Margaret Sanger was the founder of Planned Parenthood. She was also an avowed racist (she spoke at at least one KKK meeting) who did indeed advocate sterilizations of the handicapped and poor.
Great discussion going on at Free Republic: NOW pres: It’s ok, Margaret Sanger didn’t just hate Blacks

So you can't blame the hapless President of NOW for this feeble defense of the KKK's favorite keynote speaker:
Laurie Bertram Roberts, Mississippi State Pres. of the National Organization of Women, comments on Margaret Sanger’s racism:
“First of all, Margaret Sanger did not work on abortion. She worked on birth control. Context is everything. I will never deny that Margaret Sanger was connected to the eugenics movement, what they (abortion opponents) never bothered to say is that eugenicists also wanted to limit the birth rate of poor white people and disabled people. It wasn’t just Black people; it was a whole lot of people they deem to be unfit.”
Quoted in “Thank God for Stupid Enemies” Speaker for the Dead WEDNESDAY, APRIL 16, 2014
From Anna Wolf “Using the KKK to Fight Abortion Rights” Jackson Free Press April 16, 2014
Margaret Sanger was the founder of Planned Parenthood. She was also an avowed racist (she spoke at at least one KKK meeting) who did indeed advocate sterilizations of the handicapped and poor.
Great discussion going on at Free Republic: NOW pres: It’s ok, Margaret Sanger didn’t just hate Blacks

The great Glenn McCoy
Cartoon above refers to the Live Action Planned Parenthood Racism Project. If you missed it at the time or just want to refresh your memory (we ourselves had forgotten how disturbing these videos are) go back and check out Live Action Planned Parenthood Racism Project.
Tuesday, December 02, 2014
Founded by KKK Speaker, Planned Parenthood Joins #BlackLivesMatter Protest
It is difficult, if not impossible, to name a group responsible for more black deaths than Planned Parenthood. Not surprising given that Planned Parenthood was founded by Margaret Sanger who was a superstar speaker for the Ku Klux Klan, invited tp speak at 13 KKK rallies.
So the always astute Daily Caller reporter, Trystyn Bloom, noted the absurdity of it all earlier today when Planned Parenthood tweeted out #BlackLivesMatter.
Bloom writes in today's Daily Caller:
Without A Hint Of Irony, Planned Parenthood Joins #BlackLivesMatter Protest
So the always astute Daily Caller reporter, Trystyn Bloom, noted the absurdity of it all earlier today when Planned Parenthood tweeted out #BlackLivesMatter.
Bloom writes in today's Daily Caller:
Without A Hint Of Irony, Planned Parenthood Joins #BlackLivesMatter Protest
Despite its history of pioneering widespread abortions in black communities, Planned Parenthood joined the #BlackLivesMatter Twitter protest Monday afternoon,tweeting, “We are joining #Ferguson organizers and protesters in DC today — standing in solidarity with you! #HandsUpWalkOut #BlackLivesMatter”
The movement is part of the ongoing response to a grand jury’s decision not to indict Darren Wilson for the murder of Michael Brown, an 18-year-old African-American who was shot and killed by the police officer in August. Some have said that the failure to indict is evidence that black people in the United States don’t merit the same legal protections that white people do, and have taken to Twitter to express their outrage.
Now Planned Parenthood has joined the fray with this cruelly ironic tweet. In New York City in 2012, more abortions were performed on black women than black children were born.

Please get out there and use the #BlackLivesMatter hashtag to educate the twitterverse about Klanned Parenthood, Margaret Sanger and the Ku Klux Klan. Oh, and follow @TK_Bloom on twitter.
Great catch Trystyn Bloom,.
Folks, read the rest here: Without A Hint Of Irony, Planned Parenthood Joins #BlackLivesMatter Protest
Thursday, November 27, 2014
Redstate.com has Proof: Planned Parenthood Backers Do Hate Children, really
A provocative title, right? Planned Parenthood supporters hate children. But you will see, RedState.com has the proof.
C'mon, sure the Planned Parenthood abortion centers perform over 300,000 abortions a year, but hate is a pretty strong word.
And sure Planned Parenthood founder Margaret Sanger attended Ku Klux Klan rallies and called children "weeds," but that was a long time ago. We give these guys $500,000,000 in tax dollars a year, they can't really hate children.
After all, Planned Parenthood does performs mammograms on women. Its got that going for it. Aren't a lot of these Planned Parenthood supporters just stupid people who back Planned Parenthood for that reason? Oh, right, Planned Parenthood lies about that too:.

Well there's more like that, and so you might want to take a look at this from RedState.com and read some of the vile, Sangeresque comments they came across on the Planned Parenthood Action Page (warning its vulgar, of course):
C'mon, sure the Planned Parenthood abortion centers perform over 300,000 abortions a year, but hate is a pretty strong word.
And sure Planned Parenthood founder Margaret Sanger attended Ku Klux Klan rallies and called children "weeds," but that was a long time ago. We give these guys $500,000,000 in tax dollars a year, they can't really hate children.
After all, Planned Parenthood does performs mammograms on women. Its got that going for it. Aren't a lot of these Planned Parenthood supporters just stupid people who back Planned Parenthood for that reason? Oh, right, Planned Parenthood lies about that too:.
A series of new undercover phone calls reveals that contrary to the claims of Planned Parenthood CEO Cecile Richards and other supporters of the nation’s largest abortion chain, the organization does not provide mammograms for women.
But still, the supporters don't really hate children, do they?

Well there's more like that, and so you might want to take a look at this from RedState.com and read some of the vile, Sangeresque comments they came across on the Planned Parenthood Action Page (warning its vulgar, of course):
While perusing the Planned Parenthood Action Facebook page, I noticed someone had posted a comment advocating that taxpayer money be cut off from the organization. In the volley of comments that followed, I got to read the true nature of the most steadfast defenders of Planned Parenthood and abortion, which I proceeded to screenshot.
Again, there is crude language in the comments, so go ahead and click on another article if you don’t want to continue.
Here goes…notice how many likes the comments garner as well.
See rest of article and the vile Planned Parenthood comments here:
Read What Planned Parenthood Supporters Really Think About Children
Again, it's time to kick the Billion Dollar Abortion Industry off welfare.
Does a group founded by Ku Klux Klan keynote speaker really deserve half a billion dollars a year of our tax dollars? If Planned Parenthood can afford to throw around $18 million dollars on an election, why does it need our tax dollars?
Planned Parenthood just spent $18 million dollars to try and elect and re-elect pro-abortion politicians who would have ensured that Planned Parenthood continues to receive its half a billion dollars of our tax dollars. That's right, the Billion Dollar Abortion Industry's biggest player, Planned Parenthood, gets $540 million in our tax dollars annually, and slaughters 330,000 or so unborn children each year.
Wake up GOP Congress. You don't give half a billion dollars to people who are spending $18 million to defeat you.
Does a group founded by Ku Klux Klan keynote speaker really deserve half a billion dollars a year of our tax dollars? If Planned Parenthood can afford to throw around $18 million dollars on an election, why does it need our tax dollars?
Planned Parenthood just spent $18 million dollars to try and elect and re-elect pro-abortion politicians who would have ensured that Planned Parenthood continues to receive its half a billion dollars of our tax dollars. That's right, the Billion Dollar Abortion Industry's biggest player, Planned Parenthood, gets $540 million in our tax dollars annually, and slaughters 330,000 or so unborn children each year.
Wake up GOP Congress. You don't give half a billion dollars to people who are spending $18 million to defeat you.
Wednesday, November 26, 2014
If You Like Drudge, You Will Love the Stanek Report
A powerful pro-life internet presence has evolved over the years in response to the repulsive pro-abortion news coverage we have come to expect from the left-wing, mainstream media.
As we outline below, there are countless great pro-life blogs, pro-life news sites, pro-life organization websites, and pro-life activist sites out there. But now we have The Stanek Report. The Stanek Report serves as an invaluable, prolife news aggregation website pulling many of these resources together on one user friendly news site. If you like the Drudge Report, you will love The Stanek Report.

Earlier this year, we highlighted many of the great pro-life sites out there:
There are some great prolife websites and we visit many of them daily and link to a lot of the top ones. Of course, Life News, Foundation Life Pro-life News, ProLife Unity News and LifeSiteNews are must reads every day; our tremendous national organizations all have very helpful websites, Priests for Life, Human Life International, American Life League, National Right to Life, Sisters of Life, the tremendously effective Life Dynamics, Operation Rescue, our personal favorite Forty Days for Life, and of course Lila Rose and her wonderful organization Live Action.
The Margaret Sanger Blog always relies on Klanned Parenthood, TooManyAborted, Black Genocide, and Abort73 which are great. Students for Life is an invaluable site. We love Life Decisions International and its effort to defund the bloodthirsty haters at Planned Parenthood - same with STOPP Planned Parenthood. The quite useful, yet underrated site at ProLifeAmerica, is a favorite. The Center for Bio-Ethical Reform is a definite life-saver.
A few more must visits are Maafa 21, 180 Movie, and The Culture of Life Review. Unique and innovative efforts are also our favorites, so we are big fans of Save the Storks. You will also want to keep an eye on Grace Daigler, a forward thinking Franciscan University student, and her new effort Equipped to Engage. Online for Life is another brilliant new effort. Heartbeat International is also doing some good work. On the local level, there are great organizations across the country, way too many to mention, but a special shout out this year goes to the gutsy folks at Cleveland Right to Life.
We also find it useful to check the pro-life articles on the conservative activist site FreeRepublic.com on a daily basis. We also follow pro-life articles at the Federalist.com and RightlyWired.com.
Countless men and women are clearly doing heroic work and we are surely missing a bunch of sites worthy of mention. And that is why we can not even begin to list all the great bloggers who each and every day make the case for life and bring to light profound and meaningful pro-life stories. With so many valuable and informative blogs having one central prolife blog that pulls them all-together is extremely useful -that blog is Pro-Life Blogs.
We never cease to be amazed by the vast array of profile ministries in this country. One excellent gauge for the passion of our cause is simply the number of websites and blogs out there selflessly trying to win hearts and minds to the pro-life cause.
We could make a list a mile long of all the pro-life sites out there, but today we just thought we would highlight some of the great up-and-coming blogs and organizations. We still love and read Jill Stanek daily, but here are some other blogs to keep an eye on and bookmark.
10. Generations for Life is the Pro-Life Action League‘s outreach to the new pro-life generation.Generations for Life empowers teens to be effective pro-life leaders by inspiring and helping them to establish lively pro-life clubs within their own high school communities and youth groups.
The Generations for Life Blog is great. We love the Prayer Challenge and video recently posted and organized by high schoolers.
9. Save the Storks Want to be inspired? This group is doing something fresh, innovative and extremely valuable every day...follow this blog and you will be filled with hope. The pro-life cause certainly has genius on its side!
8. The Quick and the Dead: Planned Parenthood's Brazen Legacy of Debauchery, Defilement, and Death is an always informative blog that has been a round for a while. But it really caught our attention again recently with the news that George Grant was re-releasing his epic Margaret Sanger biography, Killer Angel.
7. The Prolife Youth Blog is another marvelous, youth led blog that just fills one with hope when one reads it. With bright minds like this on our side, one can imagine a day when abortion will become unthinkable.
6. Rightly Wired is more of a Libertarian leaning Conservative news site, than a pro-life blog, but it consistently has very high quality, right to life articles. Youthful and inspired, if it is not yet on your radar, we encourage you to link to Rightly Wired , check it daily, and enjoy...you can thank us later.
5. Students for Life is the best. We can never find enough good things to say about Students for Life. Would have been number one, but it's not really up-and-coming. It's already there. The Students for Life site is great, the organization is even better, and the work they do is invaluable. God bless Students for Life.
4. LiveActionNews is another group that has accomplished so much and that is so valuable to the pro-life movement that it doesn't really belong in the up-and-coming category. But it is a site we visit daily, and even though Lila Rose already seems like she belongs in the ProLife Hall of Fame, she is only 26! If we were unborn, we would want these guys on our side.
3. WhyIamProLife.org is written by the young members of he Society for the Protection of Unborn Children a UK organization. It is great to see that the hope, ingenuity and energy we are increasingly seeing is not just a US phenomenon.
2. Equipped to Engage is an effort by students to help train other students to become leaders in the pro-life cause. This is a very important effort with an incredible amount of promise.
1. 40 Days for Life is certainly one of the most important efforts to come along. A powerful, prayerful effort that has won hearts and minds daily, and closed abortion clinics weekly - it is an answer to all of our prayers. Reading updates on 40 Days for Life fills us all with Hope!
That's our list. Sure it's not perfect, and some of these sites aren't even blogs, and some of them aren't up-and-coming they are already there! But who cares. We just hope you check out some of these sites and get involved however you can.
And if that's not enough pro-life blogs for you, be sure to check out Pro-LifeBlogs.com for an exhaustive list of the all pro-life blogs you will ever need to read.
As we outline below, there are countless great pro-life blogs, pro-life news sites, pro-life organization websites, and pro-life activist sites out there. But now we have The Stanek Report. The Stanek Report serves as an invaluable, prolife news aggregation website pulling many of these resources together on one user friendly news site. If you like the Drudge Report, you will love The Stanek Report.

Earlier this year, we highlighted many of the great pro-life sites out there:
There are some great prolife websites and we visit many of them daily and link to a lot of the top ones. Of course, Life News, Foundation Life Pro-life News, ProLife Unity News and LifeSiteNews are must reads every day; our tremendous national organizations all have very helpful websites, Priests for Life, Human Life International, American Life League, National Right to Life, Sisters of Life, the tremendously effective Life Dynamics, Operation Rescue, our personal favorite Forty Days for Life, and of course Lila Rose and her wonderful organization Live Action.
The Margaret Sanger Blog always relies on Klanned Parenthood, TooManyAborted, Black Genocide, and Abort73 which are great. Students for Life is an invaluable site. We love Life Decisions International and its effort to defund the bloodthirsty haters at Planned Parenthood - same with STOPP Planned Parenthood. The quite useful, yet underrated site at ProLifeAmerica, is a favorite. The Center for Bio-Ethical Reform is a definite life-saver.
A few more must visits are Maafa 21, 180 Movie, and The Culture of Life Review. Unique and innovative efforts are also our favorites, so we are big fans of Save the Storks. You will also want to keep an eye on Grace Daigler, a forward thinking Franciscan University student, and her new effort Equipped to Engage. Online for Life is another brilliant new effort. Heartbeat International is also doing some good work. On the local level, there are great organizations across the country, way too many to mention, but a special shout out this year goes to the gutsy folks at Cleveland Right to Life.
We also find it useful to check the pro-life articles on the conservative activist site FreeRepublic.com on a daily basis. We also follow pro-life articles at the Federalist.com and RightlyWired.com.
Countless men and women are clearly doing heroic work and we are surely missing a bunch of sites worthy of mention. And that is why we can not even begin to list all the great bloggers who each and every day make the case for life and bring to light profound and meaningful pro-life stories. With so many valuable and informative blogs having one central prolife blog that pulls them all-together is extremely useful -that blog is Pro-Life Blogs.
We also highlighted not long ago some of the great up-and-coming blogs:
Top 10 up-and-coming ProLife Blogs
It is always heartening to see the vast number of voices speaking up for the innocent and voiceless unborn.
We never cease to be amazed by the vast array of profile ministries in this country. One excellent gauge for the passion of our cause is simply the number of websites and blogs out there selflessly trying to win hearts and minds to the pro-life cause.
We could make a list a mile long of all the pro-life sites out there, but today we just thought we would highlight some of the great up-and-coming blogs and organizations. We still love and read Jill Stanek daily, but here are some other blogs to keep an eye on and bookmark.
10. Generations for Life is the Pro-Life Action League‘s outreach to the new pro-life generation.Generations for Life empowers teens to be effective pro-life leaders by inspiring and helping them to establish lively pro-life clubs within their own high school communities and youth groups.
The Generations for Life Blog is great. We love the Prayer Challenge and video recently posted and organized by high schoolers.
9. Save the Storks Want to be inspired? This group is doing something fresh, innovative and extremely valuable every day...follow this blog and you will be filled with hope. The pro-life cause certainly has genius on its side!
8. The Quick and the Dead: Planned Parenthood's Brazen Legacy of Debauchery, Defilement, and Death is an always informative blog that has been a round for a while. But it really caught our attention again recently with the news that George Grant was re-releasing his epic Margaret Sanger biography, Killer Angel.
7. The Prolife Youth Blog is another marvelous, youth led blog that just fills one with hope when one reads it. With bright minds like this on our side, one can imagine a day when abortion will become unthinkable.
6. Rightly Wired is more of a Libertarian leaning Conservative news site, than a pro-life blog, but it consistently has very high quality, right to life articles. Youthful and inspired, if it is not yet on your radar, we encourage you to link to Rightly Wired , check it daily, and enjoy...you can thank us later.
5. Students for Life is the best. We can never find enough good things to say about Students for Life. Would have been number one, but it's not really up-and-coming. It's already there. The Students for Life site is great, the organization is even better, and the work they do is invaluable. God bless Students for Life.
4. LiveActionNews is another group that has accomplished so much and that is so valuable to the pro-life movement that it doesn't really belong in the up-and-coming category. But it is a site we visit daily, and even though Lila Rose already seems like she belongs in the ProLife Hall of Fame, she is only 26! If we were unborn, we would want these guys on our side.
3. WhyIamProLife.org is written by the young members of he Society for the Protection of Unborn Children a UK organization. It is great to see that the hope, ingenuity and energy we are increasingly seeing is not just a US phenomenon.
2. Equipped to Engage is an effort by students to help train other students to become leaders in the pro-life cause. This is a very important effort with an incredible amount of promise.
1. 40 Days for Life is certainly one of the most important efforts to come along. A powerful, prayerful effort that has won hearts and minds daily, and closed abortion clinics weekly - it is an answer to all of our prayers. Reading updates on 40 Days for Life fills us all with Hope!
That's our list. Sure it's not perfect, and some of these sites aren't even blogs, and some of them aren't up-and-coming they are already there! But who cares. We just hope you check out some of these sites and get involved however you can.
And if that's not enough pro-life blogs for you, be sure to check out Pro-LifeBlogs.com for an exhaustive list of the all pro-life blogs you will ever need to read.
And now there is The Stanek Report . If you haven't already, go check it out!
Saturday, November 15, 2014
Perry Blackwell Fan Club Salutes Jonathan Gruber
We can't help it here. Whenever a Big Lie is witnessed the bar scene from Pillow Talk pops into our mind with perhaps the most underrated talent of all-time, Perry Blackwell, belting out the bluesy "You Lied:"
And so, the Perry Blackwell Fan Club gives a shout out to Jonathan Gruber, the man who loves to humblebrag about his own lying artistry. And now each time we hear the name "Jonathan Gruber" or see his sweet name trending on twitter, we flash back to that Pillow Talk Bar scene with the unforgettable Perry Blackwell:
"You lied, you dog, and you'll be sorry. You lied, you hound. And that's not fair."
With his incessant lying about Obamacare, Jonathan Gruber now ranks right up there with the great liars: the devilish Bill "I did not have sex with that woman" Clinton and Margaret "Negro Project " Sanger.
Now we learn that Gruber may have also been "the mastermind" behind the Freakonomics argument that killing black children in the womb saved the government billions:
According to Jerome Corsi writing for World Net Daily:
Obamacare guru shocks again with abortion boast
The Obamacare architect at the center of controversy for his frank admissions that passing the president’s signature legislation required lying to the American people published a paper during the Clinton administration observing that legalizing abortion saved the government $14 billion in assistance to economically disadvantaged mothers, including African Americans, and lowered crime.
MIT economics professor Jonathan Gruber argued in his paper that without the 1973 Roe v. Wade decision, “marginal children” would have been born to many poor mothers. He said statistics show these children would have been 70 percent more likely to live in a single-parent family, 40 percent more likely to live in poverty, 50 percent more likely to receive welfare and 35 percent more likely to die as an infant.
So here's to you, Jonathan Gruber. Henceforth, whenever we here your name, we shall recall the legendary "Pillow Talk" lounge piano singer, Perry Blackwell. "You lied, you dog, and you'll be sorry." Who is the stupid one now?
And so, the Perry Blackwell Fan Club gives a shout out to Jonathan Gruber, the man who loves to humblebrag about his own lying artistry. And now each time we hear the name "Jonathan Gruber" or see his sweet name trending on twitter, we flash back to that Pillow Talk Bar scene with the unforgettable Perry Blackwell:
"You lied, you dog, and you'll be sorry. You lied, you hound. And that's not fair."
With his incessant lying about Obamacare, Jonathan Gruber now ranks right up there with the great liars: the devilish Bill "I did not have sex with that woman" Clinton and Margaret "Negro Project " Sanger.
Now we learn that Gruber may have also been "the mastermind" behind the Freakonomics argument that killing black children in the womb saved the government billions:
According to Jerome Corsi writing for World Net Daily:
Obamacare guru shocks again with abortion boast
The Obamacare architect at the center of controversy for his frank admissions that passing the president’s signature legislation required lying to the American people published a paper during the Clinton administration observing that legalizing abortion saved the government $14 billion in assistance to economically disadvantaged mothers, including African Americans, and lowered crime.
MIT economics professor Jonathan Gruber argued in his paper that without the 1973 Roe v. Wade decision, “marginal children” would have been born to many poor mothers. He said statistics show these children would have been 70 percent more likely to live in a single-parent family, 40 percent more likely to live in poverty, 50 percent more likely to receive welfare and 35 percent more likely to die as an infant.
So here's to you, Jonathan Gruber. Henceforth, whenever we here your name, we shall recall the legendary "Pillow Talk" lounge piano singer, Perry Blackwell. "You lied, you dog, and you'll be sorry." Who is the stupid one now?
Wednesday, November 05, 2014
Planned Parenthood Spent $18 Million to Defeat GOP - Will GOP Congress Defund PP's $500 Million?
It's time to kick the Billion Dollar Abortion Industry off welfare.
Does a group founded by Ku Klux Klan keynote speaker, Margaret Sanger, really deserve half a billion dollars a year of our tax dollars? If Planned Parenthood can afford to throw around $18 million dollars on an election, why does it need our tax dollars?
Planned Parenthood just spent $18 million dollars to try and elect and re-elect pro-abortion politicians who would have ensured that Planned Parenthood continues to receive its half a billion dollars of our tax dollars. That's right, the Billion Dollar Abortion Industry's biggest player, Planned Parenthood, gets $540 million in our tax dollars annually, and slaughters 330,000 or so unborn children each year.
Wake up GOP Congress. You don't give half a billion dollars to people who are spending $18 million to defeat you.
Does a group founded by Ku Klux Klan keynote speaker, Margaret Sanger, really deserve half a billion dollars a year of our tax dollars? If Planned Parenthood can afford to throw around $18 million dollars on an election, why does it need our tax dollars?
Planned Parenthood just spent $18 million dollars to try and elect and re-elect pro-abortion politicians who would have ensured that Planned Parenthood continues to receive its half a billion dollars of our tax dollars. That's right, the Billion Dollar Abortion Industry's biggest player, Planned Parenthood, gets $540 million in our tax dollars annually, and slaughters 330,000 or so unborn children each year.
Wake up GOP Congress. You don't give half a billion dollars to people who are spending $18 million to defeat you.
Sunday, November 02, 2014
A Look Back at Live Action & The Planned Parenthood Racism Project
America has a very short memory.
When something totally crazy (like Planned Parenthood's blatant racism) is documented in great deal with telling video by a group live Live Action, you may see a week or two of outrage from the pro-life community, some in depth coverage from Fox News, but then the whole thing is quickly forgotten and everyone moves on...
The next year, Planned Parenthood gets another $540 million in our tax dollars, slaughters another 330,000 or so unborn children, and then turns around and spends another $18 million dollars to elect and re-elect pro-abortion politicians who will ensure that Planned Parenthood continues to receive its half a billion dollars a year of our tax dollars. A half a billion dollars a year to a group founded by a woman who spoke at Ku Klux Klan rallies.
So it is important from time to time to look back at recent history and remind the public of Planned Parenthood's simply outrageous conduct. Never give up. Continue to inform and remind your friends, relatives and neighbors about how evil Planned Parenthood truly is.
The Planned Parenthood Racism Project
When something totally crazy (like Planned Parenthood's blatant racism) is documented in great deal with telling video by a group live Live Action, you may see a week or two of outrage from the pro-life community, some in depth coverage from Fox News, but then the whole thing is quickly forgotten and everyone moves on...
The next year, Planned Parenthood gets another $540 million in our tax dollars, slaughters another 330,000 or so unborn children, and then turns around and spends another $18 million dollars to elect and re-elect pro-abortion politicians who will ensure that Planned Parenthood continues to receive its half a billion dollars a year of our tax dollars. A half a billion dollars a year to a group founded by a woman who spoke at Ku Klux Klan rallies.
So it is important from time to time to look back at recent history and remind the public of Planned Parenthood's simply outrageous conduct. Never give up. Continue to inform and remind your friends, relatives and neighbors about how evil Planned Parenthood truly is.
The Planned Parenthood Racism Project
The most obvious practitioner of racism in the United States today is Planned Parenthood, an organization founded by the eugenicist Margaret Sanger and recently documented as ready to accept money to eliminate black babies” - Dr. Alveda King
Live Action investigated the financial dealings of Planned Parenthood and made some shocking discoveries about the clinic-owning “nonprofit.” We obtained the information by having an actor call clinics across the country and pose as a donor. The actor communicated to the Planned Parenthood representative a very racist agenda—the one that Margaret Sanger, Planned Parenthood’s founder, had envisioned. He then asked to donate money specifically for the abortions of African-American babies in order to “lower the number of blacks in America.”
Despite his bigoted requests, no Planned Parenthood employee (or director of development, in one case) declined the tainted money. Some even asked to speak with other employees to get permission. In the first day of calling seven clinics, not a single Planned Parenthood representative expressed outrage or concern at the racism behind donations specifically “to reduce the number of blacks.” In fact, some even went as far as agreeing with the anti-black agenda.
Read the rest here:
Saturday, November 01, 2014
National Review & Human Life Review Salute Young Pro-Lifers
National Review Online has a terrific Salute to Young Pro-lifers you should be sure to read. Written by Maria McFadden Maffucci of Human Life Review the piece provides great hope and highlights the tremendous farm system we have in the fight for the innocent:
Contrary to what President Obama and others on the pro-abortion Left might have you believe, being pro-life is inspiring and cool. And as our publication — The Human Life Review — completes its 40th year, more young leaders are emerging to keep our movement strong and vibrant.
And, next January, when legions of young people descend on Washington, D.C., for the annual protest march against Roe v. Wade, their peers will be able to see that defending their unborn sisters and brothers is the countercultural wave of the future.

Saluting Young Pro-Lifers
Contrary to what President Obama and others on the pro-abortion Left might have you believe, being pro-life is inspiring and cool. And as our publication — The Human Life Review — completes its 40th year, more young leaders are emerging to keep our movement strong and vibrant.
Thanks to women like Kristan Hawkins of Students for Life, who will be honored this evening at our annual Great Defender of Life Dinner, and Lila Rose of Live Action, young women have role models who aren’t afraid to speak out for those who have no voice.
These women exude intelligence, class, and positive energy.
Read the rest of this amazing tribute to the ever resilient pro-life cause here:
Friday, October 31, 2014
Margaret Sanger or the Klansman? Take the Quiz - Who Said What?
Who Said It? The Founder of Planned Parenthood Margaret Sanger or Aryan Nation Leader and Neo-Nazi Tom Metzger? Take the Quiz
Margaret Sanger or Aryan Nation Leader Tom Metzger
First some background on our two quotable and notable contestants:
The ADL website provides the following profile of Tom Metzger, leader of White Aryan Resistance:
Tom Metzger, a television repairman from Fallbrook, California, has been a leader in organized bigotry for more than 25 years...He has been widely acknowledged as the principal mentor of the neo-Nazi skinhead movement since its appearance in America during the mid-1980s; in this connection, he attracted nationwide publicity in 1990, when an Oregon jury rendered a $12.5 million judgment against him and his son, John, for inciting the murder of an Ethiopian immigrant by skinheads. Today, although still paying the judgment, Metzger continues to cultivate a following through his monthly newspaper, WAR, White Aryan Resistance, a Web site, a telephone hotline, an e-mail newsletter, and other media. He also served as a Grand Wizard in the Ku Klux Klan.
Margaret Sanger, on the other hand, was the founder of Planned Parenthood. Recently voted one of Time Magazine’s 100 Leaders and Revolutionaries for the 20th Century, she is an inductee into the American Nurses Association Hall of Fame and the National Women's Hall of Fame. Gloria Steinem recently wrote as follows about Ms. Sanger in Time Magazine:
The movement she started will grow to be, a hundred years from now, the most influential of all time," predicted futurist and historian H.G. Wells in 1931. "When the history of our civilization is written, it will be a biological history, and Margaret Sanger will be its heroine."
One is a “heroine” of the 20th Century. The other a modern villain. So the following quiz concerning who said what ought to be easy. Right? Well try your luck and you may be surprised.
Margaret or Metzger?
1. Margaret Sanger
E. Drogin, Margaret Sanger: Father of Modern Society, CUL Publishers, 1980, Section 1, p. 18-24;
2. Tom Metzger
Encyclopedia of White Power: A Sourcebook on Radical Racism by Kaplan
3. Margaret Sanger
Birth Control Review, May 1919 (vol. III, no. 5); p.12.
4. Margaret Sanger
A Plan For Peace, The Birth Control Review, April 1932, p. 106
5. Margaret Sanger
6. Tom Metzger
Encyclopedia of White Power: A Sourcebook of Radical Racism by Kaplan
7. Margaret Sanger
Linda Gordon, Woman's Body Woman's Right: Social History of Birth Control in America (New York, Grossman Publishers, 1976) p.333.
8. Margaret Sanger
"I accepted an invitation to talk to the women's branch of the Ku Klux Klan...I saw through the door dim figures parading with banners and illuminated crosses...I was escorted to the platform, was introduced, and began to speak...In the end, through simple illustrations I believed I had accomplished my purpose. A dozen invitations to speak to similar groups were proffered." (Margaret Sanger: An Autobiography, P.366)
Margaret Sanger Invited 13 times to speak at Ku Klux klan Rallies
9. Jesse Jackson
Jesse Jackson Abortion Quote
10. a. Planned Parenthood founder Margaret Sanger
Margaret Sanger
*Reproduction of this quiz is widely encouraged. I would love to see it find a permanent home on the internet. No attribution necessary.
Margaret Sanger or Aryan Nation Leader Tom Metzger
First some background on our two quotable and notable contestants:
The ADL website provides the following profile of Tom Metzger, leader of White Aryan Resistance:
Tom Metzger, a television repairman from Fallbrook, California, has been a leader in organized bigotry for more than 25 years...He has been widely acknowledged as the principal mentor of the neo-Nazi skinhead movement since its appearance in America during the mid-1980s; in this connection, he attracted nationwide publicity in 1990, when an Oregon jury rendered a $12.5 million judgment against him and his son, John, for inciting the murder of an Ethiopian immigrant by skinheads. Today, although still paying the judgment, Metzger continues to cultivate a following through his monthly newspaper, WAR, White Aryan Resistance, a Web site, a telephone hotline, an e-mail newsletter, and other media. He also served as a Grand Wizard in the Ku Klux Klan.
Margaret Sanger, on the other hand, was the founder of Planned Parenthood. Recently voted one of Time Magazine’s 100 Leaders and Revolutionaries for the 20th Century, she is an inductee into the American Nurses Association Hall of Fame and the National Women's Hall of Fame. Gloria Steinem recently wrote as follows about Ms. Sanger in Time Magazine:
The movement she started will grow to be, a hundred years from now, the most influential of all time," predicted futurist and historian H.G. Wells in 1931. "When the history of our civilization is written, it will be a biological history, and Margaret Sanger will be its heroine."
One is a “heroine” of the 20th Century. The other a modern villain. So the following quiz concerning who said what ought to be easy. Right? Well try your luck and you may be surprised.
Margaret or Metzger?
1. “Negroes and Southern Europeans are mentally inferior to native born Americans”
2. “Since Christianity is in fact a slave religion, it is satirical at least to see the negro adopt a slave religion, after chattel slavery was ended. It simply underlines the fact that consciously or unconsciously, weak humans desire the status of sheep, no matter what they say.”
3. “More children from the fit, less from the unfit."
4. “...apply a stern and rigid policy of sterilization and segregation to that grade of population whose progeny is already tainted, or whose inheritance is such that objectionable traits may be transmitted to offspring.”
5. "Colored people are like human weeds and are to be exterminated."
6. “Covertly invest into non-White areas, invest in ghetto abortion clinics. Help to raise money for free abortions, in primarily non-White areas. Perhaps abortion clinic syndicates throughout North America, that primarily operate in non-White areas and receive tax support, should be promoted.”
7. "We do not want the word to go out that we want to exterminate the Negro population, and the minister is the man who can straighten that idea out if it ever occurs to any of their more rebellious members."
Extra Credit
8. Who was the guest speaker at a Ku Klux Klan rally in Silverlake, N. J.in 1926 and subsequently invited to speak at 12 more KKK rallies, Margaret or Metzger?
9. Which current Civil Rights Leader once stated the following:
"Abortion is black genocide...What happens to the mind of a person and the moral fabric of a nation , that accepts the aborting of the life of a baby without a pang of conscience?"
10. Who is a responsible for the deaths of millions of black Americans?
a. Planned Parenthood founder Margaret Sanger.
b. White Aryan Resistance Leader Tom Meztger
c. Sanger and Metzger.
d. Neither
1. Margaret Sanger
E. Drogin, Margaret Sanger: Father of Modern Society, CUL Publishers, 1980, Section 1, p. 18-24;
2. Tom Metzger
Encyclopedia of White Power: A Sourcebook on Radical Racism by Kaplan
3. Margaret Sanger
Birth Control Review, May 1919 (vol. III, no. 5); p.12.
4. Margaret Sanger
A Plan For Peace, The Birth Control Review, April 1932, p. 106
5. Margaret Sanger
6. Tom Metzger
Encyclopedia of White Power: A Sourcebook of Radical Racism by Kaplan
7. Margaret Sanger
Linda Gordon, Woman's Body Woman's Right: Social History of Birth Control in America (New York, Grossman Publishers, 1976) p.333.
8. Margaret Sanger
"I accepted an invitation to talk to the women's branch of the Ku Klux Klan...I saw through the door dim figures parading with banners and illuminated crosses...I was escorted to the platform, was introduced, and began to speak...In the end, through simple illustrations I believed I had accomplished my purpose. A dozen invitations to speak to similar groups were proffered." (Margaret Sanger: An Autobiography, P.366)
Margaret Sanger Invited 13 times to speak at Ku Klux klan Rallies
9. Jesse Jackson
Jesse Jackson Abortion Quote
10. a. Planned Parenthood founder Margaret Sanger
Margaret Sanger
*Reproduction of this quiz is widely encouraged. I would love to see it find a permanent home on the internet. No attribution necessary.
Thursday, October 30, 2014
Human Life Review Turns 40 - Fascinating Interview with Maria McFadden Maffucci
The Federalist has a terrific interview with Human Life Review’s editor, Maria McFadden Maffucci, on the publication's fortieth anniversary. Human Life Review is surely the most important publication of its kind, God Bless them for 40 great years of service.
Read the complete interview here:
Human Life Review: Forty Years Of Fighting For Human Life And Dignity
Read the complete interview here:
Human Life Review: Forty Years Of Fighting For Human Life And Dignity
Wednesday, October 29, 2014
Brandon McGinley Explains the Billion Dollar Abortion Industry's New Strategy
If you haven't been reading The Federalist you have been missing some great writing and some very important stories - on the issue of abortion as well as other issue important to saving Western Civilization.
Today, Brandon McGinley explains why we have been seeing all those lame efforts to re-brand abortion as a positive social good. So if you want to know what this bizarre yet still sinister effort is all about, be sure to read: Why You Keep Seeing Pro-Choice Advocates ‘Celebrate’ Abortion .
And be sure to check back and stay up to date with what is new at The Federalist.
Today, Brandon McGinley explains why we have been seeing all those lame efforts to re-brand abortion as a positive social good. So if you want to know what this bizarre yet still sinister effort is all about, be sure to read: Why You Keep Seeing Pro-Choice Advocates ‘Celebrate’ Abortion .
And be sure to check back and stay up to date with what is new at The Federalist.
Sunday, October 26, 2014
Margaret Sanger: The War Years by Ed Driscoll
Ed Driscoll over at PJ Media takes a look at Margaret Sanger: The War Years .
While Hitler, Tojo, Stalin and Mussolini were inflicting their various flavors of totalitarian socialist nihilism upon the rest of the world, Margaret Sanger, pioneering eugenicist, Klan and Nazi aficionado, and founder of Planned Parenthood was doing her bit as well to undermine civilization here in America. Or as blogger “Dalrock” grimly quips,“No hiatus for solipsism during World War II.”
See the rest here includes actual video of Sanger not many have seen: Margaret Sanger: The War Years
While Hitler, Tojo, Stalin and Mussolini were inflicting their various flavors of totalitarian socialist nihilism upon the rest of the world, Margaret Sanger, pioneering eugenicist, Klan and Nazi aficionado, and founder of Planned Parenthood was doing her bit as well to undermine civilization here in America. Or as blogger “Dalrock” grimly quips,“No hiatus for solipsism during World War II.”
See the rest here includes actual video of Sanger not many have seen: Margaret Sanger: The War Years
ku klux klan,
Margaret Sanger,
planned parenthood
Friday, October 24, 2014
When Planned Parenthood Even Creeped Out the Ku Klux Klan by Glenn McCoy

The great Glenn McCoy
Cartoon above refers to the Live Action Planned Parenthood Racism Project. If you missed it at the time or just want to refresh your memory (we ourselves had forgotten how disturbing these videos are) go back and check out Live Action Planned Parenthood Racism Project.
And of course, below is our other favorite by The great Glenn McCoy, Note Margaret Sanger in the back framed picture, CLASSIC! And ouch, that tip jar!!!

And for more on Klanned Parenthood .
Thursday, October 23, 2014
Three More Great Pro-Life Websites
The other day we ran a piece on the Top 10 up-and-coming ProLife Blogs.
That article generated some great feedback and we were reminded of a few sites we really love but neglected to mention.
CreatedEqual.net is Mark Harrington's latest project. They are bringing the Truth to the streets and to college campuses in a very serious way. CreatedEqual.net is changing hearts and minds at a very fast pace.
We just stumbled upon prolife365.com a while ago,and we really love the site. Packed with info and some great insights...check it out.
A site that has been around a while and that we have always been big fans of is ProLifeUnity.com . We love this description of its Mission:
A “United Call to Action” site which gives all Pro-Life people and organizations the ability to get their Action Calls out to every other member of ProLifeUnity.com, and anyone else who is interested in helping save the unborn through direct action. Through our united Pro-Life blogging, organizational and individual efforts we can help Pro-Life Calls to Action achieve greater results.
ProLifeUnity.com is one of the best organizations and sites out there. Keep it in your daily rotation of reading material.
That article generated some great feedback and we were reminded of a few sites we really love but neglected to mention.
CreatedEqual.net is Mark Harrington's latest project. They are bringing the Truth to the streets and to college campuses in a very serious way. CreatedEqual.net is changing hearts and minds at a very fast pace.
We just stumbled upon prolife365.com a while ago,and we really love the site. Packed with info and some great insights...check it out.
A site that has been around a while and that we have always been big fans of is ProLifeUnity.com . We love this description of its Mission:
A “United Call to Action” site which gives all Pro-Life people and organizations the ability to get their Action Calls out to every other member of ProLifeUnity.com, and anyone else who is interested in helping save the unborn through direct action. Through our united Pro-Life blogging, organizational and individual efforts we can help Pro-Life Calls to Action achieve greater results.
ProLifeUnity.com is one of the best organizations and sites out there. Keep it in your daily rotation of reading material.
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