Douglas Kmiec keeps telling us that Obama policies will lead to a reduced number of abortions. Today we learn that Obama wants taxpayers to pay for free abortions in Washington D.C. What's next free cigarettes for teens to reduce smoking? Free pot in government schools to reduce drug use? Exactly how will making abortions free make them less rare?

And Doug, guess who is celebrating after Obama's 1st 100 days (hint, it is not unborn babies)?
Read Obama's 100 Days of Death by Jill Stanek.
When you actioned off your soul on Ebay, Doug, you should have known the Devil would be the highest bidder.
Some people are so dumb, you just have to laugh. I'm taking economics in school and one of the first points you learn is that when costs are low, demand increases. If a product isn't selling, lower the price and you will generate more demand.
Also, how does Obama plan on saving the economy when our tax dollars are going overseas (and in the US) to fund abortions? This is sickening.
Obama doesn't even know the relation between cost and demand...and he's going to 'save' our economy???
Given that the federal Constitution is silent on abortion, the 10th A. automatically reserves government power to regulate abortion to the states, not the federal government. So the USSC's 10th A.-ignoring decision in Roe v. Wade was a scandal.
Also, Chief Justice Marshall had established the following case precedent, now wrongly ignored, which appropriately limits the power of the feds to lay taxes.
"Congress is not empowered to tax for those purposes which are within the exclusive province of the States." --Chief Justice Marshall, GIBBONS V. OGDEN (1824)
So not only do the feds have no constitutional authority to spend taxpayer dollars on abortions, the feds don't have the power to lay taxes for that purpose in the first place.
The bottom line is that the people need to wise up to the ongoing, illegal usurpation of state powers by the federal government and do the following. The people need to work with their state lawmakers to repeal the 16th Amendment, the amendment that gives the feds the power to tax citizens directly. The problem with that amendment is that it has made it too easy for the corrupt federal government to lay constitutionally unauthorized taxes, in my opinion.
CA pays for 94,000 abortions a year, wonder why it has biggest number of abortions because Californians pay for them!
In 2006 177,000 abortions were paid for by the government which cost 89 million. How much will 1 million and half cost us?
Obama is the most radical abortionist there is. Look who he brings into his administration. The women who supports Dr. Tiller the Baby Killer. Anyway, I am glad that I found your blog. It will help me in my research into Margret Sanger. On my blog I have been working on showing the racism etc in the Democratic Party. I don't understand why so many blacks follow them.. Planned Parenthood being a perfect example of why they shouldn't..
Distribute free contraceptives--all kinds. No pregnancies, no abortions. DUH!
I don't know much about this "Doug" guy, but he sounds like a real creep.
I just read that Margaret Sanger was a drug addict. The moral of the story:
Live by the pill - die by the pill
DefundAbortionGuy, Why so quiet?
Non-believers in Christ are like particle board: alright for cabinet making and behind-the-scene in the dark, but ever see a HOUSE made up of that capillary material in the daylight? When the wind blows, you know how it goes: structural collapse, no meatNbones bringing U.S. to the Great Beyond. Barack Obama’s exactly like that: controlled by the filthy rich, while partial-birth-abortion’s STILL a mortal sin deserving of the Abyss of the Damned. Something’s you’ll never see: Satan praying the Rosary and BO preaching abstinence to young people DOMINUS VOBISCUM (Latin: peace be with you)
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