Saturday, August 16, 2014

2013 a Great Year for Pro-life Blogging & Right to Life Websites - Tops

There are some great prolife websites and we visit many of them daily and link to a lot of the top ones.  Of course, Life NewsFoundation Life Pro-life NewsProLife Unity News andLifeSiteNews are must reads every day;  our tremendous national organizations all have very helpful websites, Priests for LifeHuman Life InternationalAmerican Life LeagueNational Right to Life,Sisters of Life, the tremendously effective Life DynamicsOperation Rescue, our personal favoriteForty Days for Life, and of course Lila Rose and her wonderful organization Live Action

There are also the websites that we here at the Margaret Sanger Blog rely on very heavily : Klanned Parenthood, TooManyAbortedBlack Genocide,  and Abort73.  Students for Life is an invaluable site.  We love Life Decisions International and its effort to defund the bloodthirsty haters at
 Planned Parenthood - same with STOPP Planned Parenthood. The quite useful, yet underrated site at ProLifeAmerica, is a favorite.  The Center for Bio-Ethical Reform is a definite life-saver.

A few more must visits are Maafa 21180 Movie, and The Culture of Life Review.   Unique and innovative efforts are also our favorites, so we are big fans of Save the Storks.  You will also want to keep an eye on Grace Daigler, a forward thinking Franciscan University student, and her new effortEquipped to Engage.  Online for Life is another brilliant new effort.  Heartbeat International is also doing some good work.  On the local level, there are great organizations across the country, way too many to mention, but a special shout out this year goes to the gutsy folks at Cleveland Right to Life.  

Countless men and women are clearly doing heroic work and we are surely missing a bunch of sites worthy of mention.  And that is why we can not even begin to list all the great bloggers who each and every day make the case for life and bring to light profound and meaningful pro-life stories.  With so many valuable and informative blogs having one central prolife blog that pulls them all-together is extremely useful - that blog is Pro-Life Blogs.  For this reason and for giving a united voice to all the wonderful pro-life bloggers, we name ProLifeBlogs the top website of 2013. is an independent news site created to capitalize on weblog technology as an uncompromising defender of the sanctity of human life. disseminates unique news and commentary on life oriented issues and events that are ignored or under reported by traditional news sources. A diverse team of editors and contributors, each with news, reporting, commentary, or editorial experience, work to provide compelling content that will inform our readers, lead to a greater understanding, promote constructive dialog and facilitate change within our culture and society. provides a network, database and news aggregator for independent and autonomous pro-life bloggers to interact and promote their life-oriented articles. Writers through-out the world from a diversity of backgrounds join and, on an hourly basis, provide refreshing, dynamic, and insightful articles.

Way to go ProLifeBlogs.

We here at the Margaret Sanger Blog would like to thank all the great pro-lifers for their selfless work throughout 2013. 

Margaret Sanger Returns From Dead For One More Ku Klux Klan Rally #SilverLakePurge


Eighty years after Margaret Sanger's Historic speech to the Ku Klux Klan, the following situation exists:

*A black baby is three times more likely to be murdered in the womb than a white baby. 

*Since 1973, abortion has reduced the black population by over 25 percent. 

*Twice as many African-Americans have died from abortion than have died from AIDS, accidents, violent crimes, cancer, and heart disease combined. 

*Every three days, more African-Americans are killed by abortion than have been killed by the Ku Klux Klan in its entire history. 

*Planned Parenthood operates the nation's largest chain of abortion clinics and almost 80 percent of its facilities are located in minority neighborhoods. 

*About 13 percent of American women are black, but they submit to over 35 percent of the abortions.

What did Margaret Sanger to the Ku Klux Klan that lead her to be invited back 12 times?  If she returned today, she would surely say, "Misson accomplished!"

Tuesday, April 22, 2014

Who Said It? The Founder of Planned Parenthood Margaret Sanger or Aryan Nation Leader and Neo-Nazi Tom Metzger? Take the Quiz

Who Said It? The Founder of Planned Parenthood Margaret Sanger or Aryan Nation Leader and Neo-Nazi Tom Metzger? Take the Quiz

Margaret Sanger or Aryan Nation Leader Tom Metzger

First some background on our two quotable and notable contestants:

The ADL website provides the following profile of Tom Metzger, leader of White Aryan Resistance:

Tom Metzger, a television repairman from Fallbrook, California, has been a leader in organized bigotry for more than 25 years...He has been widely acknowledged as the principal mentor of the neo-Nazi skinhead movement since its appearance in America during the mid-1980s; in this connection, he attracted nationwide publicity in 1990, when an Oregon jury rendered a $12.5 million judgment against him and his son, John, for inciting the murder of an Ethiopian immigrant by skinheads. Today, although still paying the judgment, Metzger continues to cultivate a following through his monthly newspaper, WAR, White Aryan Resistance, a Web site, a telephone hotline, an e-mail newsletter, and other media.

Margaret Sanger, on the other hand, was the founder of Planned Parenthood. Recently voted one of Time Magazine’s 100 Leaders and Revolutionaries for the 20th Century, she is an inductee into the American Nurses Association Hall of Fame and the National Women's Hall of Fame. Gloria Steinem recently wrote as follows about Ms. Sanger in Time Magazine:

The movement she started will grow to be, a hundred years from now, the most influential of all time," predicted futurist and historian H.G. Wells in 1931. "When the history of our civilization is written, it will be a biological history, and Margaret Sanger will be its heroine."

One is a “heroine” of the 20th Century. The other a modern villain. So the following quiz concerning who said what ought to be easy. Right? Well try your luck and you may be surprised.

Margaret or Metzger?

1. “Negroes and Southern Europeans are mentally inferior to native born Americans”

2. “Since Christianity is in fact a slave religion, it is satirical at least to see the negro adopt a slave religion, after chattel slavery was ended. It simply underlines the fact that consciously or unconsciously, weak humans desire the status of sheep, no matter what they say.”

3. “More children from the fit, less from the unfit."

4. “...apply a stern and rigid policy of sterilization and segregation to that grade of population whose progeny is already tainted, or whose inheritance is such that objectionable traits may be transmitted to offspring.”

5. "Colored people are like human weeds and are to be exterminated."

6. “Covertly invest into non-White areas, invest in ghetto abortion clinics. Help to raise money for free abortions, in primarily non-White areas. Perhaps abortion clinic syndicates throughout North America, that primarily operate in non-White areas and receive tax support, should be promoted.”

7. "We do not want the word to go out that we want to exterminate the Negro population, and the minister is the man who can straighten that idea out if it ever occurs to any of their more rebellious members."

Extra Credit

8. Who was the guest speaker at a Ku Klux Klan rally in Silverlake, N. 1926 and subsequently invited to speak at 12 more KKK rallies, Margaret or Metzger?

9. Which current Civil Rights Leader once stated the following:
"Abortion is black genocide...What happens to the mind of a person and the moral fabric of a nation , that accepts the aborting of the life of a baby without a pang of conscience?"

10. Who is a responsible for the deaths of millions of black Americans?

a. Planned Parenthood founder Margaret Sanger.

b. White Aryan Resistance Leader Tom Meztger

c. Sanger and Metzger.

d. Neither


1. Margaret Sanger 

E. Drogin, Margaret Sanger: Father of Modern Society, CUL Publishers, 1980, Section 1, p. 18-24;


2. Tom Metzger

Encyclopedia of White Power: A Sourcebook on Radical Racism by Kaplan


3. Margaret Sanger

 Birth Control Review, May 1919 (vol. III, no. 5); p.12.


4. Margaret Sanger

 A Plan For Peace, The Birth Control Review, April 1932, p. 106

5. Margaret Sanger

6. Tom Metzger

Encyclopedia of White Power: A Sourcebook of Radical Racism by Kaplan

7. Margaret Sanger

 Linda Gordon, Woman's Body Woman's Right: Social History of Birth Control in America (New York, Grossman Publishers, 1976) p.333.

8. Margaret Sanger

"I accepted an invitation to talk to the women's branch of the Ku Klux Klan...I saw through the door dim figures parading with banners and illuminated crosses...I was escorted to the platform, was introduced, and began to speak...In the end, through simple illustrations I believed I had accomplished my purpose. A dozen invitations to speak to similar groups were proffered." (Margaret Sanger: An Autobiography, P.366)

Margaret Sanger Invited 13 times to speak at Ku Klux klan Rallies

 9. Jesse Jackson

Jesse Jackson Abortion Quote

 10. a. Planned Parenthood founder Margaret Sanger

Margaret Sanger

  *Reproduction of this quiz is widely encouraged. I would love to see it find a permanent home on the internet. No attribution necessary. 

Thursday, April 10, 2014

Time for Pro-lifer Donald Trump to Walk the Walk – Step Up and Back the Gosnell Movie!

The Culture of Life Review has a great idea.  Recent pro-life convert Donald Trump needs to step up and help get the very import Gosnell Movie made. 

     Donald Trump is a great businessman, a media genius and a fearless political tactician.  He is the rare voice that won’t back down and bow to the media elite.  So when Trump announced in 2011 that after some serious reflection he had reconsidered his position on abortion and was now prolife, it was great news for those fighting to protect the sanctity of the unborn.

    Trump explained his conversion to CBN News’ David Brody as follows:    

One thing about me, I’m a very honorable guy. I’m pro-life, but I changed my view a number of years ago.  One of the reasons I changed — one of the primary reasons — a friend of mine’s wife was pregnant, in this case married. She was pregnant and he didn’t really want the baby. And he was telling me the story. He was crying as he was telling me the story. He ends up having the baby and the baby is the apple of his eye. It’s the greatest thing that’s ever happened to him. And you know here’s a baby that wasn’t going to be let into life. And I heard this, and some other stories, and I am pro-life.

     It is now three years after Trump announced his conversion and the question needs to be asked:  Where has the Donald been as we wage this battle to protect unborn human life.  After all, Trump has tremendous resources at his fingertips.  He is an almost constant guest on talk shows, he has over two and a half million twitter followers and his opinions on almost anything frequently make front page news.  As someone who believes in the sanctity of human life, why has Trump not used his powerful public platform to help win hearts and minds to the prolife cause? He could an have an immediate and powerful impact.

     Well, now may be Trump's pro-life moment.  There is a perfect opportunity for Trump become involved in a very big way in defending human life.  Last week, filmmakers Phelim McAleer and Ann McElhinney announced  the biggest ever crowd funding campaign to make a TV movie about the serial killer, abortionist Dr. Kermit Gosnell.  After being rejected by the bigots at Kickstarter, the filmmakers took their effort to raise $2.1 million to Indiegogo .  As of yesterday, nearly 7,500 contributors who have pledged over $545,000 to make a TV movie about abortionist Kermit Gosnell - America's biggest serial killer  Imagine the boost this project would get if fellow pro-lifer Donald Trump jumped in with 25,000 other pro-lifers in support of Gosnell the Movie.

      The media does not want to tell the truth about the horrors of abortion.  But with Trump’s help, the censorship of the Gosnell story ends now.  

Friday, March 28, 2014

Who Will Lead the Fight to Catholicize the Summer Reading Lists at Catholic High Schools?

Over at the Culture of Life Review:

Who Will Lead the Fight to Catholicize the Summer Reading Lists at Catholic High Schools?
Last summer, Carl E. Olson at Catholic World Report, exposed the horrendous state of Catholic high school summer reading lists by highlighting one particularly smutty and ludicrously vulgar novel assigned to incoming freshmen at St. Ignatius High School in Cleveland.  And St. Ignatius wasn't alone - a quick google search revealed that dozens of other Catholic schools had assigned the same poorly written piece of garbage. 

We really don't want to revisit here all the gratuitously lewd, crude and lascivious passages in this very unfortunates selection for teen reading. But for purposes of background and so that others can grasp the gravity of the problem at hand, we encourage readers to review Carl Olsen's important article in Catholic World Report, Why do some Catholic schools require students to read lousy, vulgar books?, the Cardinal Newman Society Report on the situation,   "Jesus Burpeth" is Catholic School Required Reading?, and the College Fix article, Catholic Schools Assign Vulgar Books As Required Reading.    There is also an interesting insider's account at Est Quod Est, Eternal Vigilance.

It is simply a fact that most Catholic high school summer reading lists contain drivel and frequently anti-Catholic drivel.  So what do we do?  Olson's article last year created a minor stir in Catholic blogoshere last year (here, here, and here), but it is doubtful that many Catholic parents are aware of the problem and it is likely that Catholic students will once again be assigned to read garbage this summer. 

It is time to fight back.

Can one obscure Catholic blog like ours make a difference?  We don't really care.  We are simply fighting back because it is the right things to do.  If you would like to help as well, because it is the right thing to do, we have a couple of ideas.

One of the saddest and most mystifying aspects of this whole thing is that Catholic students are being assigned to read drivel when there is such a rich treasure trove of Catholic literature out there.  As Olson noted last summer:

If I was a parent whose child was required to read that book, I would have some questions for the English teacher, beginning with this one: "Have you never heard of Ignatius Press?" And, as a follow-up: "Or of the Ignatius Critical Editions?
Why would a Catholic school not assign a summer reading list chock full of inspirational books about the lives of Catholic saints and heroes?  In twenty lifetimes, one couldn't read all the great Catholic books out there.  Do Catholic schools really prefer books about cynical perverted punks over The Ear of the Heart: An Actess' Journey from Hollywood to Holy Vows or Father Damien and the Bells?

If you have a child or grandchild at a Catholic high school, don't wait any longer.  Most high schools have their reading lists on their website.  Review the list for questionable material.  Contact their high school today with some suggestions.  Ask why more Catholic books are not included.  And it bears repeating, provide them directly with a list of wonderfully positive and inspirational books about Catholic saints and heroes. 

And how about adding a prolife book or two to Catholic school summer reading lists?  The Hand of God: A Journey from Death to Life by the Abortion doctor who changed his mind, Dr. Bernard Nathanson, is a gripping page turner that should be a must read for every high school student.

We at The Culture of Life Review would love to see  Priests for Life, Human Life International, American Life League, National Right to Life, Life Dynamics, or even Lila Rose and her great organization Live Action help promote this cause.  And how about the fast growing and tremendously energetic organization Students for Life ? What a great cause for them to pursue. We urge these outstanding prolife organizations to publish their own summer reading lists for students and to get these lists into the hands of decision makers at Catholic high schools.  A truly low cost way to win hearts and minds.

This battle will not be won over night.  Please pray that all Catholic schools will realize the importance of their mission and begin to pass on the Faith to our children.

Wednesday, March 26, 2014

A Fulton Sheen Miracle Confirmed; Sainthood May be Near; Patron Saint of the Media?

Over at the Culture of Life Review:

A Fulton Sheen Miracle Confirmed; Sainthood May be Near; Patron Saint of the Media?
We stumbled across some great news at the Dominus mihi adjutor Blog.

The Crux of the Matter: the Essence of the Mass

The recent news that the Vatican’s medical commission has confirmed a miracle to the intercession of the Venerable Fulton Sheen is something to should give us great joy, and more, great hope. His beatification could be very near indeed. If ever there was a natural patron saint for the new media, it would be him. The first televangelist, he taught millions across the world the truths of the faith and of Christian living in a style that was accessible and engaging. He used the new media of television and (earlier) radio to reach an audience far greater than any Catholic preacher or teacher had reached before in such a relatively immediate way. He also raised millions of dollars for the missions.


Tuesday, March 25, 2014

WELL, THAT MAKES SENSE: Nancy Pelosi to Accept Award Named After KKK Advocate and Race Eugenicist

From the always informative Doug Ross Blog:

WELL, THAT MAKES SENSE: Nancy Pelosi to Accept Award Named After KKK Advocate and Race Eugenicist
Just when you think the Democrat Party has hit rock bottom, they break out the jackhammer and start digging a new sub-basement:

Planned Parenthood Federation of America (PP) announced that House Democratic Leader Nancy Pelosi, an alleged Roman Catholic, will be given “the Margaret Sanger Award, the organization’s highest honor, in recognition of her leadership, excellence, and outstanding contributions to the reproductive health and rights movement over the course of her career,” according to a Planned Parenthood website posting...

Margaret Sanger was hardly the woman's rights hero that the modern Left markets. In fact, she was an advocate for the Ku Klux Klan and a zealot for culling out "inferior" races from the nation's gene pool.

Sanger wanted a new and improved race: ‘[We should] apply a stern and rigid policy of sterilization and segregation to that grade of population whose progeny is tainted, or whose inheritance is such that objectionable traits may be transmitted to offspring.’

Check out the rest here:

Friday, March 21, 2014

This is How We Save Ireland!...and Western Civilization - The Silverstream Priory

From the Culture of Life Review

This is How We Save Ireland!...and Western Civilization
Irish monks dedicated to the Traditional Latin Mass are the best chance we have of saving the Isle of Saints and Scholars and the best shot we have at saving Western Civilization.

That is why we love these guys, The Benedictine Monks of Perpetual Adoration of the Most Holy Sacrament of the Altar at Silverstream Priory.

Monks at recreation

Visit their website and support them, please.
Add their blog, Vultus Christi, to your blog rolls.
And most importantly, pray for their success!

Sunday, February 23, 2014

The Best Margaret Sanger Term Paper Resource: Intellectual Morons by Dan Flynn

We are frequently contacted by students inquiring about the best resources for writing a research paper on Margaret Sanger.  Perhaps the best place to start is Dan Flynn's thoroughly researched book, Intellectual Morons, and his 21 page chapter on Margaret Sanger.  Below is Mike Adams' review of the Sanger chapter in  Intellectual Morons

Margaret Sanger: Intellectual Moron
Margaret Sanger:

Intellectual Moron

Written by Mike S. Adams of townhall fame and check out Dan Flynn at the Flynn files

        For months, readers have been asking me to do a profile of the life of Margaret Sanger, in order to expose the truth about an evil woman who has been protected for decades by the likes of Planned Parenthood, radical feminists, and various media elites.  If you just log onto after reading this editorial, you will see how far some are willing to go to whitewash her reputation, perhaps merely to preserve the ''credibility'' of the pro-abortion movement.

         Contrary to the wishes of some of my readers, I will not be writing a profile of Sanger’s life now or at any time in the future.  That is because my friend Dan Flynn has done it to perfection in his outstanding new book, Intellectual Morons.  If the 21-page chapter on Sanger were the only chapter in the book, Flynn’s latest (published by Crown Forum) would be well worth the purchase price.  Anyone interested in saving the life of the unborn simply cannot afford to miss Dan’s latest work.

        Flynn’s characterization of Sanger as a ''world-class liar'' who ''embraced tenets of Nazism, terrorism-and abortion for any reason at any time'' sounds harsh at first glance. Regardless, Flynn doesn’t sound harsh for long, because he provides quote after quote to substantiate his allegations.  Sometimes he quotes those whose articles Sanger published in The Woman Rebel (TWR).   For example, Flynn quotes a TWR article by Robert Thorpe, opining that ''lower forms of life must give place to higher forms,'' in the context of Thorpe’s call for the assassination of John D. Rockefeller.

        But, mostly, Flynn directly quotes Sanger, who, for example, advised women to avoid pregnancy by consuming quinine (a medicine used to fight malaria) and laxatives ''to assist with the menstrual flow.''  Apparently, in the twisted mind of Margaret Sanger, a bowel movement a day keeps the baby away.  Unfortunately for some unsuspecting women, Sanger’s advice didn’t flush out in the final analysis.

        Of course, laughing at Margaret Sanger becomes impossible when one gets into Sanger’s ideas about uprooting ''human weeds'' and establishing work camps for the ''unfit.''  In 1937, Sanger gave a speech on behalf of those ''too inarticulate to speak for themselves.'' In her speech, she said the following about blocking the procreation of so-called undesirables:

“(It) makes possible the spread of scientific knowledge of the elements of sound breeding. It makes possible the creation of a new race; a new generation brought into this world consciously conceived. It makes possible the breeding out of human weeds-the defective and criminal classes-(and) the breeding in of the clean, strong and fit instruments to carry the torch of human destiny.”

        Margaret Sanger’s following two-step plan (which she proposed to the U.S. Congress) to establish a ''Parliament of Population'' is also well-documented in the pages of Intellectual Morons:

1. To ''control the intake and output of morons (apparently excluding Sanger), mental defectives, epileptics.''
2. To ''take an inventory of the secondary group such as illiterates, paupers, unemployables, criminals, prostitutes, dope-fiends; classify them in special departments under government medical protection, and segregate them on farms…''

        Sanger then went on to summarize her plea to Congress by saying that ''fifteen or twenty millions of our population would then be organized into soldiers of defense-defending the unborn against their own disabilities.''

        Sanger also had a pretty negative view of Australian, Jewish, and Italian families.  She called aboriginal Australians ''the lowest known species of the human family, just a step higher than the chimpanzee in brain development.''  She said the following of the ''Jewish people and Italian families'':

“(They) are filling the insane asylums, (they) are filling the hospitals and filling our feeble-minded institutions, (they) are the ones the tax payers have to pay for the upkeep of, and they are increasing the budget of the State, the enormous expense of the State is increasing because of the multiplication of the unfit in this country and in the State.”

        Is it any wonder that Sanger spoke at a KKK rally in 1926?  Is it any wonder that she said that ''The most merciful thing that the large family does to one of its infant members is to kill it''?

        Dan Flynn tells the truth about Margaret Sanger.  And he does it with fairness.  He admits to at least one case where a quote of Sanger has been taken out of context by her enemies in order to accuse her of racism.  But he uses other quotes properly and honestly to show that the accusations are indeed founded.  He does not whitewash Sanger, nor does he smear her reputation unfairly because he disagrees with her politics.

        After you read the whitewashed account of Sanger’s life on, read the truth in Dan Flynn’s new book.  Then call your local Planned Parenthood office and ask the following questions: Are you proud that Margaret Sanger is your founder?  How many black babies do you abort every year?  Is an unborn baby a ''human weed'' or just a sub-human clump of cells?  And, finally, how can you look yourself in the mirror every day before you go to work?

About the Writer: Mike Adams is a professor at the University of North Carolina at Wilmington, and the author of the new book, "Welcome to the Ivory Tower of Babel." His website is at:

Friday, February 14, 2014

Top Blogger calls out sellout Catholic: Ed Fitzgerald is "Abortion Ken"

Pauli over at Est Quod Est has a great take on the pathetic sellout "Irish" "Catholic" Ed Fitzgerald who is running for some office in Ohio. 


Ed Fitzgerald is "Abortion Ken"

Cuyahoga County Executive Ed Fitzgerald is a "pro-abortion Catholic", a Souper Candidate as my friend Dan Coyne calls such Catholics, and he's making fighting abortion restrictions passed by Ohio lawmakers and signed by Governor Kasich a big part of his 2014 bid for Ohio Governor. Here's proof on his own campaign page. Here's how it starts:

If you care about women’s health, you have to abhor the anti-abortion restrictions inserted into the two-year, $62 billion budget bill that Ohio Gov. John Kasich signed into law.

You really don't need to read any further than that to peg Fitzgerald as pro-abortion. But to leave no shadow of a doubt, Fitzgerald is also proposing a statewide pro-abortion ballet initiative for 2014.

Meanwhile, his presumed Democratic opponent, Cuyahoga County Executive Ed FitzGerald, recently urged a ballot fight over restrictions on abortion enacted in the new state budget by Republican lawmakers and Mr. Kasich. If successful, that question would appear on the ballot at the same time he and Mr. Kasich will.

Read the rest over at Est Quod Est .

Wednesday, February 12, 2014

Ed FitzGerald turns his back on Catholic upbringing with running mate choice

Great letter to the editor in the Cleveland Plain Dealer concerning the latest abortions for votes sellout, Ed Fitzgerald, who has launched a destined for failure race for governor of Ohio. 

Ed FitzGerald turns his back on Catholic upbringing with running mate choice

Many years ago, the Irish people were given the option of denying their faith in exchange for a bowl of soup. Those who did were called "soupers."

During the campaign for County Executive in 2012, I questioned Ed FitzGerald at the Irish Festival about his stance on the abortion issue and he stated emphatically that he was "pro-life".

Now, with his choice of pro-abortion Sharen Neuhardt as a running mate, it appears that Ed FitzGerald has turned his back on his Catholic upbringing and ingested many bowls of the pro-abortion elixir. It could turn out to be a very unappetizing repast.

"Et tu" Ed FitzGerald!

Catherine O'Malley,

Cleveland Heights

Tuesday, February 04, 2014

#BlackHistoryMonth Quiz: Who Said it? Margaret Sanger or the Neo-Nazi?

Who Said It? The Founder of Planned Parenthood Margaret Sanger or Aryan Nation Leader and Neo-Nazi Tom Metzger? Take the Quiz


Margaret Sanger or Aryan Nation Leader Tom Metzger

First some background on our two quotable and notable contestants:

The ADL website provides the following profile of Tom Metzger, leader of White Aryan Resistance:

Tom Metzger, a television repairman from Fallbrook, California, has been a leader in organized bigotry for more than 25 years...He has been widely acknowledged as the principal mentor of the neo-Nazi skinhead movement since its appearance in America during the mid-1980s; in this connection, he attracted nationwide publicity in 1990, when an Oregon jury rendered a $12.5 million judgment against him and his son, John, for inciting the murder of an Ethiopian immigrant by skinheads. Today, although still paying the judgment, Metzger continues to cultivate a following through his monthly newspaper, WAR, White Aryan Resistance, a Web site, a telephone hotline, an e-mail newsletter, and other media.

Margaret Sanger, on the other hand, was the founder of Planned Parenthood. Recently voted one of Time Magazine’s 100 Leaders and Revolutionaries for the 20th Century, she is an inductee into the American Nurses Association Hall of Fame and the National Women's Hall of Fame. Gloria Steinem recently wrote as follows about Ms. Sanger in Time Magazine:

The movement she started will grow to be, a hundred years from now, the most influential of all time," predicted futurist and historian H.G. Wells in 1931. "When the history of our civilization is written, it will be a biological history, and Margaret Sanger will be its heroine."

One is a “heroine” of the 20th Century. The other a modern villain. So the following quiz concerning who said what ought to be easy. Right? Well try your luck and you may be surprised.

Margaret or Metzger?

1. “Negroes and Southern Europeans are mentally inferior to native born Americans”

2. “Since Christianity is in fact a slave religion, it is satirical at least to see the negro adopt a slave religion, after chattel slavery was ended. It simply underlines the fact that consciously or unconsciously, weak humans desire the status of sheep, no matter what they say.”

3. “More children from the fit, less from the unfit."

4. “...apply a stern and rigid policy of sterilization and segregation to that grade of population whose progeny is already tainted, or whose inheritance is such that objectionable traits may be transmitted to offspring.”

5. "Colored people are like human weeds and are to be exterminated."

6. “Covertly invest into non-White areas, invest in ghetto abortion clinics. Help to raise money for free abortions, in primarily non-White areas. Perhaps abortion clinic syndicates throughout North America, that primarily operate in non-White areas and receive tax support, should be promoted.”

7. "We do not want the word to go out that we want to exterminate the Negro population, and the minister is the man who can straighten that idea out if it ever occurs to any of their more rebellious members."

Extra Credit

8. Who was the guest speaker at a Ku Klux Klan rally in Silverlake, N. 1926 and subsequently invited to speak at 12 more KKK rallies, Margaret or Metzger?

9. Which current Civil Rights Leader once stated the following:
"Abortion is black genocide...What happens to the mind of a person and the moral fabric of a nation , that accepts the aborting of the life of a baby without a pang of conscience?"

10. Who is a responsible for the deaths of millions of black Americans?

a. Planned Parenthood founder Margaret Sanger.

b. White Aryan Resistance Leader Tom Meztger

c. Sanger and Metzger.

d. Neither


1. Margaret Sanger 

E. Drogin, Margaret Sanger: Father of Modern Society, CUL Publishers, 1980, Section 1, p. 18-24;


2. Tom Metzger

Encyclopedia of White Power: A Sourcebook on Radical Racism by Kaplan


3. Margaret Sanger

 Birth Control Review, May 1919 (vol. III, no. 5); p.12.


4. Margaret Sanger

 A Plan For Peace, The Birth Control Review, April 1932, p. 106

5. Margaret Sanger

6. Tom Metzger

Encyclopedia of White Power: A Sourcebook of Radical Racism by Kaplan

7. Margaret Sanger

 Linda Gordon, Woman's Body Woman's Right: Social History of Birth Control in America (New York, Grossman Publishers, 1976) p.333.

8. Margaret Sanger

"I accepted an invitation to talk to the women's branch of the Ku Klux Klan...I saw through the door dim figures parading with banners and illuminated crosses...I was escorted to the platform, was introduced, and began to speak...In the end, through simple illustrations I believed I had accomplished my purpose. A dozen invitations to speak to similar groups were proffered." (Margaret Sanger: An Autobiography, P.366)

Margaret Sanger Invited 13 times to speak at Ku Klux klan Rallies

 9. Jesse Jackson

Jesse Jackson Abortion Quote

 10. a. Planned Parenthood founder Margaret Sanger

Margaret Sanger

  *Reproduction of this quiz is widely encouraged. We would love to see it find a permanent home on the internet. No attribution necessary. 

Monday, February 03, 2014

The racist underpinnings of the abortion movement #BlackHistoryMonth

The racist underpinnings of the abortion movement

by Sarah Terzo

March 26, 2013 ( - According to an article in The Daily Caller, African-American teenagers have an abortion rate of over double the national average. Black teenagers (in the 15- to 19-year-old age group) have an abortion rate of 41 per 1,000. The national average is 18 per 1,000 among 15- to 19-year-olds. White teenagers have an abortion rate of 10 per 1,000 women, which means that African-American teenagers are having abortions at a rate that is four times that of white teenagers.
The situation is even more grim in New York. Sixty-seven percent of African-American teenagers’ pregnancies end in abortion in that state. New York has some of the most liberal abortion laws in the country, and one of the highest abortion rates. Forty-one percent of all babies conceived by residents of New York are aborted.
According to New York Archbishop Timothy Dolan:
If 41% of New York babies are aborted, with the percentage even higher in the Bronx and among our African-American babies in the world, it is downright chilling.
The National Black Pro-Life Coalition is an organization that wants to reduce the abortion rate in the African-American population. They claim that abortion providers like Planned Parenthood deliberately place their abortion facilities in areas with large minority populations.
African-American pro-life groups also seek to raise awareness of Planned Parenthood’s racist roots. Margaret Sanger, the founder of Planned Parenthood, has a dubious racial record that includes speaking at KKK meetings and permitting racist authors to contribute to her publication. Part of her motivation to legalize birth control was to cut down on births among the “unfit,” which included the black population.
In one of her publications, she said, “Birth control must lead ultimately to a cleaner race” (1).
She plotted to market birth control to the black community in order to lower their birth rate:
We should hire three or four colored ministers, preferably with social-service backgrounds, and with engaging personalities. The most successful educational approach to the Negro is through a religious appeal. We don’t want the word to go out that we want to exterminate the Negro population, and the minister is the man who can straighten out that idea if it ever occurs to any of their more rebellious members. (2)
The abortion rights movement in the 1960s also sought to use African-American figureheads to push for legalization of abortion. Dr. Bernard Nathanson, who later turned pro-life, was the co-founder of the National Association to Appeal Abortion Laws (now NARAL Pro-Choice America). Nathanson quotes Laurence Lader, his co-founder of NARAL:
We’ve got to keep the women out in front. … And some blacks. Black women especially. Why are they so damn slow to see the importance of this whole movement to themselves? (3)
There is racism among abortion providers also. In 2012, members of the pro-life community were stunned when pro-lifers caught abortionist Ron Virmani on tape saying (see video below):
I as a taxpayer do not wish for these babies to be born, and brought up, and kill those people in Colorado. Go ahead and pay for them, let me see you adopt one of those ugly black babies.

In just a few sentences, Virmani manages to insult the African-American community and promote two racist stereotypes about African-Americans – that they are on welfare and that they are criminals. These disgusting remarks show that he is performing abortions on African-American women in a deliberate attempt to control the African-American population.
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Some years ago, another abortionist made the news for similar statements. Dr. Edward Allred owns a chain of abortion clinics called Family Planning Associates. This collection of clinics brings in millions of dollars in revenue for him. He was quoted in the San Diego Union saying the following:
Population control is too important to be stopped by some right wing pro-life types…. When a sullen black woman of 17 or 18 can decide to have a baby and get welfare and food stamps and become a burden to all of us, it’s time to stop. In parts of South Los Angeles, having babies for welfare is the only industry these people have. (4)
These racist remarks show Allred’s contempt for many of the women he aborts. One wonders whether his attitude affects the care that African-Americans receive at his clinics.
One reason why abortions are so high among African-American teenagers is because social workers and counselors sometimes push abortion as a solution to their pregnancies. According to Janet Hadley, a pro-choice feminist:
Among medical professionals and social workers, teenagers are perhaps most likely to encounter people with more liberal views about abortion, and to find themselves on the defensive if they are determined to continue their pregnancies… pregnant women whose cultures or circumstances do not fit … are disapproved of as candidates for motherhood. Tacit disapproval – urging the woman towards abortion and, if she insists on keeping the pregnancy, castigating her for her “irrational” selfishness[.] … Black teenagers, in particular, are singled out by the medical and social work profession as “problem parents[.]” … [O]utright coercion or bullying is hard to prove, but, undoubtedly, young mothers, poor mothers, and above all poor young black mothers are being hustled towards abortion with no respect for their “right to choose.” (5)
While it is impossible to know how widespread the practice of pushing African-American teens to have abortions is, the fact that a pro-choice author sees a problem is a revealing.
Feminists for Life recorded a spokesperson of NARAL making statements that indicate that this phenomenon may be more common than one might think. The American Feminist (a publication of FFL) quoted Nancy White, who was speaking on behalf of NARAL Pro-Choice America, saying:
The 54% of Black children born to unwed mothers are not productive members of society. Teenagers never make good mothers[.] (6)
When social workers and counselors try to steer pregnant African-American teenagers towards abortion because of their own prejudices, it is a violation of the teenagers’ rights. This may be one reason why the African-American teen abortion rate is so high. Pro-lifers need to offer support and positive counseling to young women in the African-American community, and resources to help them have their babies. Many pro-lifers are doing this already. If pro-lifers can counter the racism inherent in the abortion business, more African-American babies will be saved.
  1. Margaret Sanger. Woman, Morality, and Birth Control . (New York: New York Publishing Company, 1922) 12. (
  2. Margaret Sanger’s December 19, 1939 letter to Dr. Clarence Gamble, 255 Adams Street, Milton, Massachusetts. Original source: Sophia Smith Collection, Smith College, North Hampton, Massachusetts. Also described in Linda Gordon’s Woman’s Body, Woman’s Right: A Social History of Birth Control in America . New York: Grossman Publishers, 1976. (
  3. Bernard N Nathanson, M.D. with Richard N Ostling. Aborting America (Garden City, New York: Doubleday & Company, 1979) 53
  4. “Doctor’s Abortion Business Is Lucrative,” San Diego Union, 12 October 1980, at B-1, col. 1
  5. Janet Hadley “Abortion: Between Freedom and Necessity” (Great Britain: Virago Press, 1996) p 104, 106
  6. The American Feminist Summer 1994 p 14
Reprinted with permission from

Friday, January 31, 2014

Inside the Racist Mind of an Abortionist #blackhistorymonth

[Below is footnote #35 below from an Amicus Brief filed before the United States Supreme Court. It is notable due to the detestable quotes it contains from Abortionist Edward Allred. At the end of the footnote, we compare Allred's comment with those of Planned Parenthood foundress Margaret Sanger. Also below the footnote, we have added a quote from Neo-Nazi Tom Metzger and placed it side by side with the comments from Abortionist Edward Allred and Planned Parenthood's Margaret Sanger. ]

The highly inflammatory remarks attributed by several newspapers to Dr. Edward Allred, owner of the largest chain of abortion clinics in California, has caused some to attribute the abortion deaths of several Black and Hispanic women to racial prejudice.

"On the Edge of the Racist Pit," The Daily Californian, October 14, 1980, at 4B, col. 1. "Doctor Labeled 'Racist' in Abortion Suit," at B-1, col. 1 (describing a $14 million lawsuit filed against Dr. Allred in connection with the abortion death of 16-year-old Patricia Chacon in which it was alleged that Chacon had "received substandard medical treatment as a result of her race and ancestry, rather than medical treatment based on her . . . condition and needs," id. at col. 2, quoting Jack Schuler, attorney for Patricia Chacon's parents).

The following remarks upon which the allegation was made had been attributed to Dr. Allred in a story which appeared in the San Diego Union:

"Population control is too important to be stopped by some right-wing pro-life types. Take the new influx of Hispanic immigrants. Their lack of respect of democracy and social order is frightening. I hope I can do something to stem that tide; I'd set up a clinic in Mexico for free if I could. Maybe one in Calexico would help. The survival of our society could be at stake. . . . The Aid to Families With Dependent Children program is the worst boondoggle ever created. When a sullen black woman can decide to have a baby and get welfare and food stamps and become a burden to all of us it's time to stop. In parts of South Los Angeles having babies for welfare is the only industry the people have."- "Doctor's Abortion Business is Lucrative," San Diego Union, B-1, col. 1 (Oct. 12, 1980).

Dr. Allred's aversion to government subsidies did not prevent him from collecting approximately $3 million in public subsidies in 1980 for performing abortions. Dr. Allred's statements reflect the same philosophy as demonstrated by Margaret Sanger, the founder and heroine of Planned Parenthood when she said "[t]he most successful educational approach to the Negro is through a religious appeal. We do not want the word to go out that we want to exterminate the Negro population, and the minister is the man who can straighten out that idea if it ever occurs to any of their more rebellious members." E. Drogin, Margaret Sanger, Father of Modern Society 33 (1986), citing Gordon, Woman's Body, Woman's Right: A Social History of Birth Control in America 33 (1976).


Neo Nazi Tom Metzger:


Covertly invest into non-White areas, invest in ghetto abortion clinics. Help to raise money for free abortions, in primarily non-White areas. Perhaps abortion clinic syndicates throughout North America, that primarily operate in non-White areas and receive tax support, should be promoted.”


Abortionist Edward Allred:

"I'd set up a clinic in Mexico for free if I could. Maybe one in Calexico would help. The survival of our society could be at stake. . . . The Aid to Families With Dependent Children program is the worst boondoggle ever created. When a sullen black woman can decide to have a baby and get welfare and food stamps and become a burden to all of us it's time to stop. In parts of South Los Angeles having babies for welfare is the only industry the people have."


Planned Parenthood Foundress Margaret Sanger in her autobiography at p366 discusses speakingat a Ku Klux Klan rally:

"[t]he most successful educational approach to the Negro is through a religious appeal. We do not want the word to go out that we want to exterminate the Negro population, and the minister is the man who can straighten out that idea if it ever occurs to any of their more rebellious members."

Thursday, January 30, 2014

Black Journalist Lucky Rosenbloom Speculates on Content of Margaret Sanger KKK Speech #blackhistorymonth

 “What do you suppose Margaret Sanger was talking about that made her so appealing to the KKK? I believe she was talking about killing 14 million Black babies. I suppose she was telling them of a way to kill four thousand “Ns” in four weeks using eugenics and abortions outdoing the number of “Ns” they lynched in 86 years…Planned KillerHood was targeted by Civil Rights Movement activists in the 1960s and ‘70s for its involvement in a ”Black genocide.” Since 1973, legalized abortion has been specifically aimed at the African American population and has killed more Black people than cancer, diabetes, heart disease and gang violence combined…This is a sad day for Black America. We are killing ourselves using the most racist, legalized tools today: abortions.” ~ Black Journalist Lucky Rosenbloom

Saynsumthn’s Blog has more great quotes from black leaders concerning abortion at:

Abortion and Black Genocide – African American Leaders Speak Out ! Discusses Margaret Sanger and Planned Parenthood

From :

Planned Parenthood is the largest abortion provider in America. 78% of their clinics are in minority communities. Blacks make up 12% of the population, but 35% of the abortions in America. Are we being targeted? Isn't that genocide? We are the only minority in America that is on the decline in population. If the current trend continues, by 2038 the black vote will be insignificant. Did you know that the founder of Planned Parenthood, Margaret Sanger, was a devout racist who created the Negro Project designed to sterilize unknowing black women and others she deemed as undesirables of society? The founder of Planned Parenthood said, "Colored people are like human weeds and are to be exterminated." Is her vision being fulfilled today?

See the rest at

Wednesday, January 29, 2014