Tuesday, July 02, 2013

Then: Aryan Nation Leader says "Covertly invest in ghetto abortion clinics" Now: NYC Black Abortion Rate at 58%

Aryan Nation Leader Tom Metzger advised his racist followers:

Covertly invest into non-White areas, invest in ghetto abortion clinics. Help to raise money for free abortions, in primarily non-White areas. Perhaps abortion clinic syndicates throughout North America, that primarily operate in non-White areas and receive tax support, should be promoted.

According to Life News:

The abortion industry in New York City continues to prey on lower-income black women as almost 58 percent of pregnancies end in abortion for black women and children. The ratio of abortions for African-American women remained demographically highest in the city in 2011 while Asian and Pacific Island women had the lowest ratio at 18.2%.


Why was Margaret sanger so popular with the Ku Klux Klan?

"I accepted an invitation to talk to the women's branch of the Ku Klux Klan...I saw through the door dim figures parading with banners and illuminated crosses...I was escorted to the platform, was introduced, and began to speak...In the end, through simple illustrations I believed I had accomplished my purpose. A dozen invitations to speak to similar groups were proffered." (Margaret Sanger: An Autobiography, P.366)

Thursday, June 06, 2013

A Look Back at Margaret Sanger Art Contest Winners

The Margaret Sanger autobiography informs that "I accepted an invitation to talk to the women's branch of the Ku Klux Klan...I saw through the door dim figures parading with banners and illuminated crosses...I was escorted to the platform, was introduced, and began to speak...In the end, through simple illustrations I believed I had accomplished my purpose. A dozen invitations to speak to similar groups were proffered." (Margaret Sanger: An Autobiography, P.366)

When I read this account eight years ago, I went on line to see how different artists and historians had handled this historic event. To my surprise, the event had been completely ignored. Something had to be done. The answer was the Margaret Sanger at the Ku Klux Klan Rally Art Contest. On January 16, 2005, our little art contest was born.

The 2009 winner was cartoonist Glenn McCoy at Town Hall for this incredible effort:

2008 Winner of the Margaret Sanger Art Contest was Rosary Films

2007 Winner of the Margaret Sanger Art Contest was Carrie Tomko

In a very close decision, Carrie Tomko won the 3rd Annual Margaret Sanger at the Klan Rally Art Contest. This was Carrie's winning entry:

Ms. Margaret and the Klan

There once was a woman named Margaret,
Who made Negro babies her target.
She longed to see less of them,
Courted the death of them,
Sanger, this woman named Margaret.

The wives of the Klansmen who meet
Disguised in voluminous sheet,
Gave her their attention
At secret convention
To learn of her childless technique.

Ms. Sanger was poorly impressed.
Elementary they are she confessed.
So childlike she found them,
Dumbed her talk down for them,
Sanger their arrogant guest.

The organization she ran
Has snuffed out more blacks than the Klan,
Yet people aren't frighted,
But rather delighted,
Embracing the Parenthood Planned.

The judges were greatly impressed by all the entries. Fellow judge, Jill Stanek, noted, "I could tell contestants worked hard to incorporate your theme. Very creative lot!"

A very, very close second place (and winner of the reader poll!) was Chris Chan and his poweful short play, "The Killed Story."

Third place went to Bill Hailey and his terrific poem, "Such a Loving Margaret Sanger." Be sure to check out more of Bill's work (and link to it!) at his blog, "Bill's Big Blog" - - great stuff!

Thanks also went to The Catholic Caveman and the unknown writer of Haikus for their strong entries.

Special thanks to our 2007 Margaret Sanger Art Contest judges, Sean Dailey and Jill Stanek.

2006 Winner of the Margaret Sanger Art Contest was Consanescerion

2005 Winner of the Margaret Sanger Art Contest was Registered

Sunday, October 23, 2011

How Does Planned Parenthood Celebrate Black History Month? Anti-Abortion Pro-Life Video

Undoubtedly, during Margaret Sanger’s well documented trip to talk to the Ku Klux Klan, she must have assuredly spoken in very generous terms of African Americans.

Another great video from Rosary Films.

The website at African American Business describes it as follows:

How Does Planned Parenthood Celebrate Black History Month?

The following statement appears on Planned Parenthood’s website: “In observance of Black History Month, Planned Parenthood is celebrating the leadership of African Americans who led the fight for reproductive freedom.”

This is all very touching — that Planned Parenthood would take time from their busy schedule of killing black babies in their Abortion Clinics — to proclaim their appreciation for the African-American community. The Planned Parenthood website goes on to recognize the achievements of that famous advocate of nonviolence — the Reverend Martin Luther King Jr. as if Dr. King somehow posthumously approves the violent killings of the more than 1500 babies that will be destroyed in a black woman’s womb every day, a significant portion of which, are performed in Planned Parenthood’s abortion clinics.

The Planned Parenthood website also states that, “Planned Parenthood is committed to providing the highest level of care to people of all cultures and backgrounds.” This is indeed very generous of Planned Parenthood to lend a helping hand to one of Margaret Sanger’s favorite ethnic groups, as exemplified by Margaret Sanger’s famous “Negro Project”.

 Undoubtedly, during Margaret Sanger’s well documented trip to talk to the Ku Klux Klan, she must have assuredly spoken in very generous terms of African Americans. However, the Planned Parenthood website that addresses Black History Month, mysteriously fails to …


Sunday, October 16, 2011

Must Read Article on Margaret Sanger

My Lord Katie has a tremendous historical review of the life of Margaret Sanger.  The well documented post- Margaret Sanger - Provider of Death - is a must read for anyone seeking to understand  Planned Parenthood, its racist founder and the multi-billion abortion industry.

Here is abrief excerpt, but I encourage everyone to read the entire post at My Lord Katie:

Planned Parenthood is clearly misnamed; it should be called Planned Un-parenthood. It is clear that they are in the business of promoting their death-style. As we have shown in a previous posting, they run a multi-million dollar business killing babies. It is in their interest to promote illicit sex, so they can reap the monetary rewards to themselves from the results.

This is horrible enough, but the statistics on their war against blacks should be made public to everyone. Where is the outrage? Are they too protected by other godless politicians? I don’t know, but it is time for us all to do something.

And what about Margaret Sanger? Did her profligate ways make her happy? On the contrary, she ultimately lost everything before she died – love, happiness, satisfaction, family, and friends. She did not find fulfillment in her blatant racism, revolutionary socialism, sexual perversion and insatiable avarice. Without the peace that only God can give, she led a disturbed and unhappy life. In her later life she was very bitter and became fixated with drugs, alcohol, and the occult.

She truly loved death and her followers today agree with her that,

“The most merciful thing that a large family does to one of its infant members is to kill it.” (Women and the New Race, Eugenics Pub. Co.,1920). That’s what Planned Parenthood is all about.