Monday, December 22, 2008

A Look Back at Margaret Sanger Art Contest Winners

The Margaret Sanger autobiography informs that "I accepted an invitation to talk to the women's branch of the Ku Klux Klan...I saw through the door dim figures parading with banners and illuminated crosses...I was escorted to the platform, was introduced, and began to speak...In the end, through simple illustrations I believed I had accomplished my purpose. A dozen invitations to speak to similar groups were proffered." (Margaret Sanger: An Autobiography, P.366)

When I read this account five years ago, I went on line to see how different artists and historians had handled this historic event. To my surprise, the event had been completely ignored. Something had to be done. The answer was the Margaret Sanger at the Ku Klux Klan Rally Art Contest. On January 16, 2005, our little art contest was born.

2008 Winner of the Margaret Sanger Art Contest was Rosary Films

2007 Winner of the Margaret Sanger Art Contest was Carrie Tomko

In a very close decision, Carrie Tomko won the 3rd Annual Margaret Sanger at the Klan Rally Art Contest. This was Carrie's winning entry:

Ms. Margaret and the Klan

There once was a woman named Margaret,
Who made Negro babies her target.
She longed to see less of them,
Courted the death of them,
Sanger, this woman named Margaret.

The wives of the Klansmen who meet
Disguised in voluminous sheet,
Gave her their attention
At secret convention
To learn of her childless technique.

Ms. Sanger was poorly impressed.
Elementary they are she confessed.
So childlike she found them,
Dumbed her talk down for them,
Sanger their arrogant guest.

The organization she ran
Has snuffed out more blacks than the Klan,
Yet people aren't frighted,
But rather delighted,
Embracing the Parenthood Planned.

The judges were greatly impressed by all the entries. Fellow judge, Jill Stanek, noted, "I could tell contestants worked hard to incorporate your theme. Very creative lot!"

A very, very close second place (and winner of the reader poll!) was Chris Chan and his poweful short play, "The Killed Story."

Third place went to Bill Hailey and his terrific poem, "Such a Loving Margaret Sanger." Be sure to check out more of Bill's work (and link to it!) at his blog, "Bill's Big Blog" - - great stuff!

Thanks also went to The Catholic Caveman and the unknown writer of Haikus for their strong entries.

Special thanks to our 2007 Margaret Sanger Art Contest judges, Sean Dailey and Jill Stanek.

2006 Winner of the Margaret Sanger Art Contest was Consanescerion

2005 Winner of the Margaret Sanger Art Contest was Registered

Saturday, December 13, 2008

Winner of the 4th Annual Margaret Sanger at the Ku Klux Klan Rally Art Contest

Congratulations to Rosary Films winner of our 4th Annual Contest.

The online video Margaret Sanger's Account Of Her Lecture To The Ku Klux Klan / Educational Video Film has been named this year's winner of the 2008 Margaret Sanger at the Ku Klux Klan Rally Art Contest.

The Contest is sponsored annually by the Truth About Margaret Sanger Blogspot.


Wednesday, July 02, 2008

Jill Stanek, the pro-life expert on Obama, reveals Obama's biggest lie about supporting infanticide

Our favorite pro-life blogger, Jill Stanek, simply destroys Obama (again) in her article today at Worldnetdaily. Go read it at Worldnetdaily, Obama's biggest lie about supporting infanticide, or help keep the lively discussion going at Freerepublic, Jill Stanek: Obama's biggest lie about supporting infanticide :

On June 25, CNN's Wolf Blitzer asked conservative commentator Bill Bennett what question he would ask Democrat presidential candidate Barack Obama if he could.
Bennett said he would ask Obama:

Why are you to the left of NARAL, Barbara Boxer and Dianne Feinstein when it comes to abortion? Are you really there? ... I got to question the guy's moral judgment who doesn't see a problem with killing a baby after it's been born. … What is the answer to that question?

Bennett was speaking about Obama's opposition to Illinois' Born Alive Infants Protection Act as state senator. This legislation declared all live babies legal persons, which would guarantee them the right to appropriate medical care, even if abortion survivors.

(To which Obama defender Donna Brazile responded, "Bill, you want to have a conversation about narrow issues … but the American people want to talk about gas prices. …")

Over the years, Obama or his surrogates have mischaracterized Illinois' Born Alive Infants Protection Act and his reasons for opposing it at least 10 different ways.

Continue reading, there is also a lively discussion at Jill Stanek 's blog

Tuesday, June 24, 2008



by Colin Mason

Margaret Sanger is one of the pro-choice movement's iconic figures. She is extolled as a pioneering feminist, health worker, and woman's activist. Her quotes on these subject are treated as scripture. But she was also an outspoken supporter of eugenics, who wanted more children from the fit and sterilization, even segregation, for the unfit. The infamous Negro Project, which targeted Blacks for contraception and sterilization, was one outcome of this.
Planned Parenthood, of course, does not want you know these facts. So the organization works hard to burnish Sanger's reputation, and goes into damage control mode whenever questions are raised about her more unsavory views. At the same time, however, they continue to quietly practice what she preached.

Although Planned Parenthood denies it, it continues to be obsessed with race, deliberately targeting minorities in their propaganda, methods, and even choice of building sites.
Consider the recent investigation of Planned Parenthood by UCLA pro-lifers working with Students for Life of America (SFLA). Their goal was to see if Planned Parenthood would accept donations specifically for the abortion of black babies. The students first determined where it was legal to secretly record telephone conversations, and then made arrangements to call Planned Parenthood abortuaries in those states. An actor was hired, and the calls were made from the Students for Life offices in Arlington. The results of the calls were published in The Advocate, UCLA's pro-life student magazine, but the story attracted the attention of the major media.

In the recorded conversations, the actor made it clear that he was a racist, saying things like "there are too many black babies being born." He also insisted that his donations be specifically earmarked for the abortion of black babies. Most organizations would want nothing to do with an openly racist proposition of this kind, but Planned Parenthood personnel were only too happy to accept them.

"The Idaho Planned Parenthood development director expressed excitement," Kristan Hawkins, the executive director of Students for Life, said to PRI. "She said she wanted to make sure she was getting everything down because this was the first time this had happened to her and she was very excited. She also laughed when the actor said 'the less black babies out there, the better,' and said 'understandable, understandable.' And in Ohio, the administrative assistant contacted said 'we'll take your money for whatever reason.'"

The investigation was part of SFLA's larger push against Planned Parenthood. Not only does Planned Parenthood accept racist donations, it has a propensity for building clinics in minority neighborhoods. Students for Life's push against Planned Parenthood is to be admired not only for its courage, but for its ability to mobilize the black community against the outrages that are being committed against it.

Margaret Sanger, outspoken proponent of eugenics and founder of Planned Parenthood

On April 24th, Students for Life organized a demonstration at the 16th Street Planned Parenthood abortuary in Washington DC. Prominent black leaders and pastors stood up and demanded that Congress cease funding this transparently racist organization. These included back leaders like Day Gardner (National Black Pro-Life Union), Jesse Lee Peterson (Brotherhood Organization of A New Destiny), Dr. Lillie Epps (Preserving Life and Legacy), Rev. Clenard Childress (LEARN), and others.

"The pastors and leaders emphasized the recent allegations that have been brought against Planned Parenthood," said Hawkins. These included other inquiries and accusations being brought to bear against Planned Parenthood across the nation by other groups and organizations, like the ongoing fight against Planned Parenthood's fraud in Aurora, Illinois, the battle against their unethical practices by Kansas attorney Phill Kline, and the charges made earlier by the same UCLA students that Planned Parenthood covers up instances of statutory rape.

Planned Parenthood, predictably, insists that it is not a racist organization, but refuses to address the substance of the allegations. It does admit that its development directors showed a "a serious lack of judgment," saying that "had the employees been properly prepared for this kind of attack, they would have figured out that the calls were nothing short of a cruel hoax, designed to portray Planned Parenthood as money-grubbing racists." In other words, Planned Parenthood is claiming that the student investigators (mean and spiteful right-wingers) somehow tricked its sophisticated fundraisers into sounding like "money-grubbing racists." To which we say "If they sounded like money-grubbing racists," this is because they probably are money-grubbing racists. If it walks like a duck and quacks like a duck ..

More and more instances are cropping up all over the nation where Planned Parenthood has been guilty of overt or implicit racial profiling. Recent research by PRI shows that even Alaska natives and Native Americans are being targeted as well, even though they are the tiniest of tiny minorities. PRI hopes that the pioneering research being done by groups like Students for Life and The Advocate will join the fast-expanding body of evidence that will indict Planned Parenthood, and the genocidal legacy of Margaret Sanger, once and for all.
Colin Mason is Director of Media Production at Population Research Institute.

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