Thursday, October 25, 2007

Ms. Margaret and the Klan

Another prominent blogger has jumped into the contest. Carrie Tomko, from Still Running Off at the Keyboard , weighs in with a devestating entry. On her always enlightening blog, Carries notes: Can't resist a challenge. Especially not one involving poetry. It hangs around the corners of my mind until I finally give in and write the poem.

We think you'll all agree that Carrie has lived up to the challenge:

Ms. Margaret and the Klan

There once was a woman named Margaret,
Who made Negro babies her target.
She longed to see less of them,
Courted the death of them,
Sanger, this woman named Margaret.

The wives of the Klansmen who meet
Disguised in voluminous sheet,
Gave her their attention
At secret convention
To learn of her childless technique.

Ms. Sanger was poorly impressed.
Elementary they are she confessed.
So childlike she found them,
Dumbed her talk down for them,
Sanger their arrogant guest.

The organization she ran
Has snuffed out more blacks than the Klan,
Yet people aren't frighted,
But rather delighted,
Embracing the Parenthood Planned.

Wednesday, October 24, 2007

Past Winners Educated Public About Margaret Sanger, Planned Parenthood, Ku Klux Klan Connection

As we count down the final days of this year's Margaret Sanger at the Ku Klux Klan Art Contest, we would like to pay tribute to the two previous winners of the Art Contest. While some have criticized their photoshopped efforts as something less than artwork, we have no doubt that their efforts have helped educate the public about the link between Margaret Sanger, Planned Parenthood, and the Ku Klu Klan.

We also would like to add that this year's decision to ban photoshopped entries was not meant to detract from their past efforts but rather to encourage variety and creativity in this year's contest.

We occasionally hear the demented defenders of Death complaining that past winners were somehow distorting the truth about Margaret Sanger. Well, here is the truth folks, straight from the Maggie Sanger autobiography:

From Margaret Sanger: An Autobiography, P.366:

Always to me any aroused group was a good group, and therefore I accepted an invitation to talk to the women's branch of the Ku Klux Klan...As someone came out of the hall I saw through the door dim figures parading with banners and illuminated crosses. I waited another twenty minutes. It was warmer and I did not mind so much. Eventually the lights were switched on, the audience seated itself, and I was escorted to the platform, was introduced, and began to speak...In the end, through simple illustrations I believed I had accomplished my purpose. A dozen invitations to speak to similar groups were proffered." (Margaret Sanger: An Autobiography, P.366)

Hats off to past winners:

From Consanescerion, the 2006 Winner:

From Registered, the 2005 Winner:

Sunday, October 21, 2007

Another strong entry

We mentioned this one earlier, but hadn't posted the complete entry. So here it is below. Well done Bill! Bill Haley now has a second poem up at his blog on another topic, and Bill's BIG Blog appears to be a very promising addition to blogdom.


By Bill Haley
October 9, 2007

Such a loving Margaret Sanger
Spoke to the Ku Klux Klan.
You might think they would hang her?
No, they would like her plan.

“Silent death is nice and quiet”,
The Klan began to think.
“We could kill without a riot,
And then they would not stink.”

“How many blacks we will get!”
Margaret’s new Klan thought,
“When we finish, then I bet
They’ll thank us as they ought.”

Such a loving Margaret Sanger
Spoke to the Ku Klux Klan.
You might think they would hang her?
No, they would love her plan.

When she spoke they sat and stared
With mouths opened wide,
They had never thought nor dared
To murder with such pride.

They were freed from their mask,
And the itchy hood.
Now they knew their first task:
To plan your parenthood.

Such a loving Margaret Sanger
Spoke to the Ku Klux Klan.
You might think they would hang her?
No, they will join her plan.

Friday, October 19, 2007

A Caveman Joins in the Fun

You know you have made it when a bigtime blogger from The Lair of the Catholic Cavemen graces your contest with his wit and wisdom.

From Vir Speluncae Catholicus:

There once was this gal name o' Maggie
Was listed on the Ku Klux Klan tally
Her thoughts on the need
To eradicate "weeds"
Was echoed at the Nuremberg Rally

The Catholic Caveman, Vir Speluncae Catholicus

Thursday, October 18, 2007

Memorialize the Margaret Sanger, Ku Klux Klan, Planned Parenthood Alliance in Silver Lake, New Jersey

We received a very interesting suggestion in the e-mail (defundabortionguy at last week. It has a lot of potential and readers are welcome to weigh in on it:

I really think some type of memorial is needed in Silver Lake, New Jersey to commemorate the historic convergence of evil that occurred when the Founder of Planned Parenthood first spoke to the Ku Klux Klan. Since that occasion, Planned Parenthood has become by far the #1 killer of blacks in this country.

Perhaps an annual prayer service asking God for forgiveness? Or a simple plaque marking where it occurred and the evil that followed?

Just a thought. I don't live anywhere near New Jersey, but if someone else takes the lead I would be more than happy to donate.

We like the way this guy thinks! Are there any New Jerseyites out there willing to help out? Is there a Silver Lake Right to Life group?

Wednesday, October 17, 2007

Our Margaret Sanger Blog in the News

Thanks to all those bloggers who recently either mentioned this blog or mentioned the Margaret Sanger at the Ku Klux Klan Rally Art Contest.

The Curt Jester, one of the great ones when it comes to Catholic blogging, sent a lot of traffic our way with his post mentioning the contest, Spread the Truth About Margaret Sanger, noting that "this year they are having two presitgious bloggers as judges, Jill Stanek and Sean Dailey. "

[And today, the Curt Jester had this to say about Holy Cross College and its good friends Planned Parenthood and NARAL..."My two cents is that if the school does not start going down the right path that they should change their name from Holy Cross to Double Cross." ]

Father Dwight Longenecker at Standing on My Head had this to say about our blog:

Through the Curt Jester I found this excellent pro life blog. it's called The Truth About Margaret Sanger.

Also thanks to Father Tim Finigan at The hermeneutic of continuity who gave a big plug to the Margaret Sanger Art Contest with his post Margaret Sanger: KKK speaker.

The very informative blog Good Jesuit, Bad Jesuit also gave us a mention.

Our little blog was also being discussed on something called the Phatmass forum .

The delightful My Three Sons gave the contest a mention adding "check out the website, it is well worth it!"

And Cvstos Fidei posted about our blog.

Thanks guys and gals for drawing attention to Margaret Sanger, Planned Parenthood, the Ku Klux Klan and their racist connections.

We also have a very first. A entire blog apparently inspired by the Margaret Sanger at the Ku Klux Klan Rally Art Contest.

This guy also has to be considered a very serious contender. Way to go Big Bill!

Bill's Big Blog Spot: Such a Loving Margaret Sanger

We hope to hear a lot more from Big Bill!

And we have more entries which I promise to post in the next couple of days.

Oh, and this may be dangerous, but if anyone can translate, I believe we owe a big thanks to this guy:

Bureau Audiovisual Francophone

As Alumni Rise Up in Disgust, Has a Catholic College Hit the Tipping Point? Holy Cross Alumni Rally as School Hosts Radical Abortion Groups

A great new website launched to fight back against a Catholic school not being Catholic. It is about time for the alumni, who millions into these schools, to take their schools back. Other pro-abortion colleges like John Carroll and Georgetown could use similar efforts.

What's happened:

article: Holy Cross hears Outcry For Space Rental

Oct. 12 - Boston Globe
Read Fr. McFarland's rebuttal to Bishop McManus

Read the statement from Bishop McManus asking Fr. McFarland to cancel Planned Parenthood's appearance

Read the email sent by Fr. McFarland to a student, defending Planned Parenthood
Read one alumni's letter to Fr. McFarland asking him to cancel the Planned Parenthood event, with five main attachments:

-Mass. Alliance on Teen Pregnancy brochure for their Oct. 24th Event-Newspaper ad on Abstinence-HHS Report on Sex-Education and Abstinence Programs-Heritage Foundation Study on Abstinence Programs-Article on Planned Parenthood's sex education fraud
What you can do:

1. Calls - Call five people and make a difference
Call Father McFarland - 508-793-2525Call Bishop McManus - 508-791-7171
Call the Jesuit Superior General - 202-462-0400
Call the Papal Nuncio - 202-337-1721Call the Vatican - +39.06.6982

2. Emails - Send one email to and email five:
Father McFarland
Bishop McManus
the Jesuit Superior General
the Papal Nuncio
the Chairman of the Holy Cross Board of Trustees

3. Donations - Change your giving patterns, send a message, and support worthy causes
Support a pro-life organization, Students for Life
Support the Holy Cross Cardinal Newman Society
Support another faithful Catholic Colleges

4. Sign the Petition

5. Do you know one of the Holy Cross Trustees? Let us know!

What current Holy Cross students can do

Find other pro-life students who are upset about this situation, and email us at

Take action with an ad that was banned from the campus newspaper, the Crusader, and and put it on a bulletin board or pass it out around campus.


Read a background on the Massachusetts Alliance on Teen Pregnancy

Wednesday, October 10, 2007

Sanger Contest Takes Off!

We have more bloggers to thank, a few very strong entries to highlight, a great e-mail proposal and more to catch up on in the next couple days. No one expected the contest to take off like it has this year...but thanks to all those who have given it a plug and let's keep getting the word out.

Unfortunately, we just don't have the time right now to discusss further but keep your eye on this blog because there is some good stuff coming up in the next few days!!!

Who Said That? Planned Parenthood Foundress Margaret Sanger or neo-Nazi Tom Metzger

Thanks to some fellow bloggers who have really been talking up this blog, we have had a lot of new traffic lately. Welcome new readers!

So we thought we would re-post an all time favorite around here and let some of the new guys take a crack at the Sangerr or Metzger Quiz. Click the link below and take the test. Good Luck!

Who Said it? Planned Parenthood's Margaret Sanger or Aryan Nation's Tom Metzger?

Monday, October 08, 2007

The Word is Out About Margaret Sanger, Planned Parenthood and the Ku Klux Klan

We wish to thank all those bloggers who have recently mentioned our blog and in doing so shined light on the racist connections between Maggie Sanger, Klanned Parenthood and the KKK.

Yes, it continues to astonish me that Margaret Sanger can state the following in her autobiography and yet, her racist past is still denied by some:

From Margaret Sanger: An Autobiography, P.366:

Always to me any aroused group was a good group, and therefore I accepted an invitation to talk to the women's branch of the Ku Klux Klan...As someone came out of the hall I saw through the door dim figures parading with banners and illuminated crosses. I waited another twenty minutes. It was warmer and I did not mind so much. Eventually the lights were switched on, the audience seated itself, and I was escorted to the platform, was introduced, and began to speak. .. In the end, through simple illustrations I believed I had accomplished my purpose. A dozen invitations to speak to similar groups were proffered.

And today we have the following situation:

*A black baby is three times more likely to be murdered in the womb than a white baby.

*Since 1973, abortion has reduced the black population by over 25 percent.

*Twice as many African-Americans have died from abortion than have died from AIDS, accidents, violent crimes, cancer, and heart disease combined.

*Every three days, more African-Americans are killed by abortion than have been killed by the Ku Klux Klan in its entire history.

*Planned Parenthood operates the nation's largest chain of abortion clinics and almost 80 percent of its facilities are located in minority neighborhoods.

*About 13 percent of American women are black, but they submit to over 35 percent of the abortions.

And perhaps the most disturbing thing of all is that, according to Stopp Planned Parenthood, this is all done with "over $305.3 million dollars a year of your tax money."

So thanks, fellow bloggers who have helped spread the word. In particular, Jill Stanek and Sean Daily, for agreeing to judge this year's contest. As well as, the wonderful Generations for Life blog, Mark Shea at Catholic and Enjoying It, An Ol' Broad's Rambling, Studeo, Wife and Mom of Two gave us a great plug, as did the very entertaining Lair of the Catholic Cavemen (who calls us "A first rate blog in the best of the bloglodyte tradition. Hard hitting and not afraid to tell it like it is.")

And one blog we almost forgot to mention is the great pro-life blog Modern Commentaries which has been tremendously supportive of our efforts here.

Thank you all, and if I missed anyone, shoot me an e-mail!

Remember, this blog exists for purely educational purposes and everytime someone mentions it, more students, young adults and parents learn about the racist connection between Margaret Sanger, Planned Parenthood, Ku Klux Klan.

Monday, October 01, 2007

Could this be the Year of the Haiku?

First of all, a big thank you to Kevin Miller over at the Heart mind and Strength Blog for his plug of the Art Contest: GOT ARTISTIC TALENT (UNLIKE ME)? HELP TELL "THE TRUTH ABOUT MARGARET SANGER" AND THE KKK!

A reader of Kevin's sent in the following:

Nobody has ever accused me of excess creativity, but I did come up with a Margaret Sanger haiku, in two varieties:

Margaret Sanger:
She spoke to the KKK.
Abortion hero.

Margaret Sanger:
fan of the Klan
but not of children in the womb.

Wednesday, September 26, 2007

Announcing the 3rd Annual Margaret Sanger at the Ku Klux Klan Rally Art Contest

Yes folks, at long last, it is time again for The Margaret Sanger at the Ku Klux Klan Rally Art Contest.

This year's contest will be the 3rd Annual and marks the 81th Anniversary of Margaret Sanger's speech to the Women's Branch of the Silver Lake Ku Klux Klan. In her own 1938 autobiography, Margaret Sanger An Autobiography (1971 reprint by Dover Publications, Inc. of the 1938 original published by W.W. Norton & Company) Sanger indicates at pages 366-367 that the she got along quite well with members of a New Jersey branch of the Ku Klux Klan at her 1926 speech, eventually getting a "dozen invitations to speak to similar groups."

Participants in this year's contest are encouraged to commemorate Sanger at the Klan rally in unique artistic ways. Drawings, cartoons, historical novels, haiku, dance, plays, videos, paintings, quilts, rap, puppetry, modern interpretations of Sanger speaking to the Klan, reenactments of the speech on YouTube, mime, audio recordings of actual Sanger quotes she may have reused when speaking to the Klan - - there is no limit to the artistic ways this historic event can be commemorated. Please note, this year we will not be accepting photoshopped entries.


We are honored this year to have two prestigous bloggers as judges, Jill Stanek and Sean Dailey.

Jill Stanek gained national attention when as a registered nurse at Christ Hospital in Oak Lawn, Illinois, in 1999, she discovered babies were being aborted alive and shelved to die in a soiled utility room. She went public with this news, testified twice before Congress, and her efforts ultimately led to the passage of Born Alive Infants Protection Act. Jill now writes a weekly column for WorldNetDaily in addition to her highly information pro-life blog, Pro-life Pulse.

Sean Dailey is the Editor-in-Chief of the delightful Gilbert Magazine, published by the American Chesterton Society. Sean also maintains the Blue Boar Blog , a blog devoted to G.K. Chesterton, our Lady, home brewing, inns, Distributism, good literature, the lost art of Catholic drinking, and other crucial elements of Catholic culture. As an expert on the wit and wisdom of GK Chesterton, Sean seems ideally suited for the task of judging this year's contest.

The Big Abortion Industry still holds Margret Sanger out as an icon. Artwork is one more important ways to promote the truth about Margaret Sanger.


The rules for this year's contest are simple:

1) Send submissions to the Margaret Sanger Blogspot through the comments section of this blog or by e-mail to Defundabortionguy at

2) Submissions will be accepted through the month of October with the winners being named on November 1.

3) There is a limit of 12 submissions per person.

4) The art can be any artistic expression (computer drawings, photography, music, poetry, video, audio recording, haiku) as long as it attempts to recreate Margaret Sanger at the KKK Rally.

5) 1st, 2nd and 3rd Place will be announced here on November 1. The comments and views of readers of this blog will be taken into consideration by the judges as well as the views of other respected bloggers.

6) It is our hope and prayer that this contest will be enthusiastically promoted by other bloggers who are free to promote this idea, borrow this idea, steal this idea, or do anything else they want in order to educate the public about the truth concerning Margaret Sanger. It is understood that any entry can be reproduced on this blog and others.

Please encourage others to participate by e-mailing this information to other pro-lifers, bloggers, and artists!!

And if you are wondering what it looked like on that strange day in Silver Lake, here are Sanger's own words describing the Klan Rally:

From Margaret Sanger: An Autobiography, P.366:

Always to me any aroused group was a good group, and therefore I accepted an invitation to talk to the women's branch of the Ku Klux Klan...As someone came out of the hall I saw through the door dim figures parading with banners and illuminated crosses. I waited another twenty minutes. It was warmer and I did not mind so much. Eventually the lights were switched on, the audience seated itself, and I was escorted to the platform, was introduced, and began to speak.

Contest Update

I will be posting the complete set of rules later today, but I wanted to anounce two major changes to this year's contest.

The first is the addition of two well-known bloggers as judges.

The second change will be a restriction against "photoshopped" entries. This change comes at the request of several readers. In the past, these artistic renderings of Margaret Sanger at the Silver Lake Ku Klux Klan Rally have been confused for the real thing.

The goal of this contest is ultimately to educate not to confuse or deceive. Cartoons or caricutures with actual quotes from the Sanger autobiography would achieve this purpose quite nicely.

Tuesday, September 25, 2007

Margaret Sanger "was a vocal opponent of racial stereotyping" - No Lie is too Big for Planned Parenthood!

From Nathan Sheets:

Hilarious Pro-Choice Quote of the Day!

"[Margaret Sanger, founder of Planned Parenthood] was a vocal opponent of racial stereotyping and she worked very hard to eliminate the barriers to health care in the African-American community."—Lizzy Annison, Planned Parenthood Spokeswoman

I suppose that Sanger did, in fact, want to eliminate the barriers to health care for African Americans—by eliminating African Americans!

Monday, September 24, 2007

In Drunken Rage, Atheist Guru Hitchens Bullies Hero of 9-11, Father Rutler

Father Rutler to Christopher Hitchens:

FATHER RUTLER: I have met saints. You cannot explain the existence of saints without God. I was nine years chaplain with Mother Teresa [inaudible]. You have called her a whore, a demagogue. She’s in heaven that you don’t believe in, but she’s praying for you. If you do not believe in heaven, that’s why you drink.

Another very disturbing report concerning that wierd and evil media hero Christopher Hitchens.

Eyewitnesses report that Hitchens erupted into a drunken rage at a recent promotional event for his book. Hitchens reportedly descended from the stage, visibly inebriated, approached a Roman Catholic priest in the audience, and began shouting at him, only inches from his face. Hitchens’ manner appeared so physically menacing, witnesses say, that a plainclothes bodyguard on duty at the event rushed in and escorted the drunken scribe from the room.

Read the rest of this very disturbing account at

Saturday, September 22, 2007

Margaret Sanger Art Contest Announcement Next Week

We have some exciting news about the upcoming 3rd Annual Margaret Sanger at the Ku Klux Klan Rally ART CONTEST. Look for details and complete rules early next week!

What did it look like that day in Silver Lake, New Jersey nearly 81 years ago?

From Margaret Sanger: An Autobiography, P.366:

Always to me any aroused group was a good group, and therefore I accepted an invitation to talk to the women's branch of the Ku Klux Klan...As someone came out of the hall I saw through the door dim figures parading with banners and illuminated crosses. I waited another twenty minutes. It was warmer and I did not mind so much. Eventually the lights were switched on, the audience seated itself, and I was escorted to the platform, was introduced, and began to speak.

Friday, September 21, 2007

Rudy, We Hardly Knew Ye


After he was elected mayor, Giuliani delivered on these campaign promises — and more. His 1994 and 1998 tax returns show $500 in donations to Planned Parenthood, the country’s largest abortion provider. In 1996, the mayor issued a
proclamation declaring it “Planned Parenthood Day” in New York City and praising
the group’s eugenicist founder, Margaret Sanger.

Quote of the week

From Tom O'Toole at Fighting Irish Thomas discussing the Aurora Planned Parenthood lies:

To pro-lifers, those who promote some sad, desperate acts, will eventually (like Planned Parenthood's spiritual founder Margaret Sanger) promote them all. Simply turn your eye to China, where state mandated birth quotas (something Sanger often preached) are not only enforced via abortions, but also through infanticide if the offending child hasn't been detected in time. In China, they sell fetal soup (made from aborted babies) in the finest restaurants and though these eateries (like Planned Parenthood with abortion), no longer advertise the soup openly, it has become something of an expensive delicacy, a "selling point" to their clients of ways and means.

Wednesday, September 19, 2007

Bishop Samuel J. Aquila Encourages All Priests to Imitate Him by Spending One Hour in Front of Abortion Facility

Found this at posted by Wagglebee

Bishop Encourages All Priests to Imitate Him by Spending One Hour in Front of Abortion Facility LifeSiteNews ^ 9/18/07 Matthew Cullinan Hoffman

FARGO, September 18, 2007 ( - Samuel J. Aquila, the Catholic bishop of Fargo, North Dakota, is strongly encouraging his priests to imitate him by praying for an hour in front of an abortion facility during this year's national "Forty Days of Life".

The "Forty Days for Life", which is scheduled to take place from September 26th to November 4th of this year, is a program of pro-life activism modeled on the biblically significant number of forty days, found in both the old and new testaments. According to organizers, churches and organizations in 89 US cities and 33 states have agreed to participate by conducting vigils in front of abortion clinics, praying, and "fasting" in various ways (by giving up something valued). For more information, see

Bishop Aquila hopes to encourage the participation by all of the faithful in his diocese through his own example and the example of his priests.

"I believe that, during these 40 days, many will readily join in prayer and fasting for an end to abortion in our state," wrote Bishop Aquila in a letter to the priests of his diocese. "That is commendable! But, we as priests must encourage our parishioners to go one step further - to commit to an hour of prayerful vigil at the abortion facility. We can only ask of them what we ourselves will do."

"I have committed to an hour of prayer at the abortion facility September 28, at 10:30 am," he continued. "As your bishop, I ask you to sign up for an hour of prayerful vigil, as well. Tell your parishioners when that hour will be and challenge them to meet or exceed your example. Maybe your parishioners could fill each slot of that particular day with presence from your parish. Maybe the young - youth groups or families - could physically be present while the elderly could be united with them in prayer at your church. Even if only two parishioners join you in your hour of prayer at the abortion facility, lives will be changed and some -- those of the unseen unborn -- may be saved."

Bishop Aquila also leads a prayer service in front of Fargo's only abortion clinic once a year on Good Friday.

Aquila has distinguished himself as an active and committed bishop for many years. During John Kerry's pro-abortion presidential campaign in 2004 he publicly warned "pro-choice Catholics" that they could not receive communion, and "they risk the possibility of hell." In 2005 he mandated that all couples preparing for marriage receive instruction on Catholic doctrines regarding human sexuality and Natural Family Planning, in response to the culture's promotion of contraception and easy divorce.

In addition to the example Bishop Aquila is setting for his priests with his participation in the "Forty Days of Life", he also leads a prayer service front of Fargo's only abortion clinic once a year on Good Friday.

In a press release accompanying his letter, Bishop Aquila declares an absolutely uncompromising commitment to pro-life activism. "Each day people who are active in pro-life efforts pray for those considering abortion, educate the public about the abortion crisis, and do other good works to protect the lives of unborn children," he states. "I commend them and thank them. Those efforts save lives and change hearts. They help to keep abortion numbers low in North Dakota."

"But low numbers are not enough," he continues. "Not even one abortion per week is acceptable. Not one per month. Not one per year. Not one in our lifetime." Quoting the United States Declaration of Independence, the bishop notes, "The dignity of the human person begins at the moment of conception, not at birth. The dignity, as recognized by the signers of the Declaration of Independence, is bestowed by the Creator, and no one has the right to destroy innocent unborn life."

For more information

Forty Days for Life Campaign official website

Related LifeSiteNews coverage:

Diocese Combats Contraceptive Culture With Mandatory NFP Marriage Prep Course

US Bishop Aquila Warns Catholic Pro-Abortion Politicians They "Risk the Possibility of Hell"

Abortion-Supporting Politicians Are "Agents of Evil" says Fargo Bishop