The Truth About Margaret Sanger
"I accepted an invitation to talk to the women's branch of the Ku Klux Klan...I saw through the door dim figures parading with banners and illuminated crosses...I was escorted to the platform, was introduced, and began to speak...In the end, through simple illustrations I believed I had accomplished my purpose. A dozen invitations to speak to similar groups were proffered." (Margaret Sanger: An Autobiography, P.366)
Tuesday, September 25, 2007
Margaret Sanger "was a vocal opponent of racial stereotyping" - No Lie is too Big for Planned Parenthood!
Hilarious Pro-Choice Quote of the Day!
"[Margaret Sanger, founder of Planned Parenthood] was a vocal opponent of racial stereotyping and she worked very hard to eliminate the barriers to health care in the African-American community."—Lizzy Annison, Planned Parenthood Spokeswoman
I suppose that Sanger did, in fact, want to eliminate the barriers to health care for African Americans—by eliminating African Americans!
Monday, September 24, 2007
In Drunken Rage, Atheist Guru Hitchens Bullies Hero of 9-11, Father Rutler
FATHER RUTLER: I have met saints. You cannot explain the existence of saints without God. I was nine years chaplain with Mother Teresa [inaudible]. You have called her a whore, a demagogue. She’s in heaven that you don’t believe in, but she’s praying for you. If you do not believe in heaven, that’s why you drink.
Another very disturbing report concerning that wierd and evil media hero Christopher Hitchens.
Eyewitnesses report that Hitchens erupted into a drunken rage at a recent promotional event for his book. Hitchens reportedly descended from the stage, visibly inebriated, approached a Roman Catholic priest in the audience, and began shouting at him, only inches from his face. Hitchens’ manner appeared so physically menacing, witnesses say, that a plainclothes bodyguard on duty at the event rushed in and escorted the drunken scribe from the room.
Read the rest of this very disturbing account at
Saturday, September 22, 2007
Margaret Sanger Art Contest Announcement Next Week
What did it look like that day in Silver Lake, New Jersey nearly 81 years ago?
From Margaret Sanger: An Autobiography, P.366:
Always to me any aroused group was a good group, and therefore I accepted an invitation to talk to the women's branch of the Ku Klux Klan...As someone came out of the hall I saw through the door dim figures parading with banners and illuminated crosses. I waited another twenty minutes. It was warmer and I did not mind so much. Eventually the lights were switched on, the audience seated itself, and I was escorted to the platform, was introduced, and began to speak.
Friday, September 21, 2007
Rudy, We Hardly Knew Ye
After he was elected mayor, Giuliani delivered on these campaign promises — and more. His 1994 and 1998 tax returns show $500 in donations to Planned Parenthood, the country’s largest abortion provider. In 1996, the mayor issued a
proclamation declaring it “Planned Parenthood Day” in New York City and praising
the group’s eugenicist founder, Margaret Sanger.
Quote of the week
To pro-lifers, those who promote some sad, desperate acts, will eventually (like Planned Parenthood's spiritual founder Margaret Sanger) promote them all. Simply turn your eye to China, where state mandated birth quotas (something Sanger often preached) are not only enforced via abortions, but also through infanticide if the offending child hasn't been detected in time. In China, they sell fetal soup (made from aborted babies) in the finest restaurants and though these eateries (like Planned Parenthood with abortion), no longer advertise the soup openly, it has become something of an expensive delicacy, a "selling point" to their clients of ways and means.
Wednesday, September 19, 2007
Bishop Samuel J. Aquila Encourages All Priests to Imitate Him by Spending One Hour in Front of Abortion Facility
Bishop Encourages All Priests to Imitate Him by Spending One Hour in Front of Abortion Facility LifeSiteNews ^ 9/18/07 Matthew Cullinan Hoffman
FARGO, September 18, 2007 ( - Samuel J. Aquila, the Catholic bishop of Fargo, North Dakota, is strongly encouraging his priests to imitate him by praying for an hour in front of an abortion facility during this year's national "Forty Days of Life".
The "Forty Days for Life", which is scheduled to take place from September 26th to November 4th of this year, is a program of pro-life activism modeled on the biblically significant number of forty days, found in both the old and new testaments. According to organizers, churches and organizations in 89 US cities and 33 states have agreed to participate by conducting vigils in front of abortion clinics, praying, and "fasting" in various ways (by giving up something valued). For more information, see
Bishop Aquila hopes to encourage the participation by all of the faithful in his diocese through his own example and the example of his priests.
"I believe that, during these 40 days, many will readily join in prayer and fasting for an end to abortion in our state," wrote Bishop Aquila in a letter to the priests of his diocese. "That is commendable! But, we as priests must encourage our parishioners to go one step further - to commit to an hour of prayerful vigil at the abortion facility. We can only ask of them what we ourselves will do."
"I have committed to an hour of prayer at the abortion facility September 28, at 10:30 am," he continued. "As your bishop, I ask you to sign up for an hour of prayerful vigil, as well. Tell your parishioners when that hour will be and challenge them to meet or exceed your example. Maybe your parishioners could fill each slot of that particular day with presence from your parish. Maybe the young - youth groups or families - could physically be present while the elderly could be united with them in prayer at your church. Even if only two parishioners join you in your hour of prayer at the abortion facility, lives will be changed and some -- those of the unseen unborn -- may be saved."
Bishop Aquila also leads a prayer service in front of Fargo's only abortion clinic once a year on Good Friday.
Aquila has distinguished himself as an active and committed bishop for many years. During John Kerry's pro-abortion presidential campaign in 2004 he publicly warned "pro-choice Catholics" that they could not receive communion, and "they risk the possibility of hell." In 2005 he mandated that all couples preparing for marriage receive instruction on Catholic doctrines regarding human sexuality and Natural Family Planning, in response to the culture's promotion of contraception and easy divorce.
In addition to the example Bishop Aquila is setting for his priests with his participation in the "Forty Days of Life", he also leads a prayer service front of Fargo's only abortion clinic once a year on Good Friday.
In a press release accompanying his letter, Bishop Aquila declares an absolutely uncompromising commitment to pro-life activism. "Each day people who are active in pro-life efforts pray for those considering abortion, educate the public about the abortion crisis, and do other good works to protect the lives of unborn children," he states. "I commend them and thank them. Those efforts save lives and change hearts. They help to keep abortion numbers low in North Dakota."
"But low numbers are not enough," he continues. "Not even one abortion per week is acceptable. Not one per month. Not one per year. Not one in our lifetime." Quoting the United States Declaration of Independence, the bishop notes, "The dignity of the human person begins at the moment of conception, not at birth. The dignity, as recognized by the signers of the Declaration of Independence, is bestowed by the Creator, and no one has the right to destroy innocent unborn life."
For more information
Forty Days for Life Campaign official website
Related LifeSiteNews coverage:
Diocese Combats Contraceptive Culture With Mandatory NFP Marriage Prep Course
US Bishop Aquila Warns Catholic Pro-Abortion Politicians They "Risk the Possibility of Hell"
Abortion-Supporting Politicians Are "Agents of Evil" says Fargo Bishop
Monday, September 17, 2007
40 Days for Life
22 min 44 sec - Jul 28, 2007
Average rating: (8 ratings)
Description: World premiere pro-life show that aired on EWTN and featured the groundbreaking 40 Days for Life campaign that rolls out across America September 26, 2007. For more info, vist:
Sunday, September 16, 2007
Liberals Lie, Children Die - Great Article by Kevin McCollough
At this very moment one of the most liberal organizations in our nation as fraudulent papers before a court in the Midwest awaiting permission to begin the systematic slaughter of innocent children on Tuesday.
Using false pretense, misdirected answers on applications, and fraudulent forms Planned Parenthood is awaiting word to see if it will be allowed to open a super-butchery in Aurora Illinois this coming Tuesday. The situation highlights a new trend for the tax-payer subsidized organization that is now resorting to lying to municipalities and their populations in order to set up shop, hack women's uteruses and slice children's bodies like lunchmeat.
Some of the children just inches from birth.
The way it works is first they set-up a phony name for a phony company. In the Aurora Illinois case they filed their fraudulent permits under the name of Gemini Office Management Corporation. Pretending to be a neutral landlord, they then asserted on the forms requesting the construction permits that the "tenant is unknown."
With the municipality duped, the residents of Aurora feel betrayed. Several reports have emanated from the region demonstrating that even people who do not normally protest abortion publicly are outraged and feel that they have been lied to.
Read the rest here:
Monday, September 10, 2007
Hannity Exposes Planned Parenthood Fraud in Aurora, IL
Only an extreme amount of corruption in both political parties could explain how Planned Parenthood gets over $300 MILLION in tax dollars year after year.
Friday, September 07, 2007
If Margaret Sanger and Adolph Hitler Had a Child
The poor kid, mom was even meaner than dad.
"We do not want word to go out that we want to exterminate the Negro population if it ever occurs to any of their more rebellious members." Margaret Sanger from Woman's Body, Woman's Right: A Social History of Birth Control in America, by Linda Gordon
And now this was revealed today:
Israeli Doctor Exposes Nazi Abortion Program
Reveals Chilling Parallels with the Ideas of Planned Parenthood Founder Margaret Sanger
By Matthew Cullinan Hoffman
September 6, 2007 ( - An Israeli doctor has recently published an account of the Nazi use of abortion, euthanasia, and sterilization to eliminate groups they deemed "inferior stock", especially Jewish and Slavic people.
Dr. Tessa Chelouche writes that "Abortion was used as a weapon of mass destruction in Eastern Europe," where "it has been estimated that tens of thousands of Polish and Russian women were compelled to abort not because of health reasons, but because of Nazi dogma." She goes on to quote Hitler's 1942 policy statement on the application of abortion to Slavic people, which is chillingly similar to modern Planned Parenthood propaganda:
"In view of the large families of the Slav native population, it could only suit us if girls and women there had as many abortions as possible. We are not interested in seeing the non-German population multiply…We must use every means to install in the population the idea that it is harmful to have several children, the expenses that they cause and the dangerous effect on woman's health… It will be necessary to open special institutions for abortions and doctors must be able to help out there in case there is any question of this being a breach of their professional ethics."
Margaret Sanger, the founder of Planned Parenthood, expressed a similar objective about eliminating US colored people in a letter she wrote only months after Hitler's invasion of Poland: "We should hire three or four colored ministers, preferably with social-service backgrounds, and with engaging personalities. The most successful educational approach to the Negro is through a religious appeal. We don't want the word to go out that we want to exterminate the Negro population and the minister is the man who can straighten out that idea if it ever occurs to any of their more rebellious members."
Today, Planned Parenthood and other international promoters of abortion, sterilization, and contraception, often claim that the availability of such services is a "health issue" and is necessary to fight poverty, echoing Hitler's slogans.
Read the Full Article Online:Doctors, Pregnancy, Childbirth and Abortion during the Third Reich
Related LifeSiteNews coverage: Extra Special MUST READ Report on Population Control
Current Medical Euthanasia and Eugenic Abortion Practices Echo Nazi Past
Roe v Wade Lawyer: Use Abortion "to eliminate the barely educated, unhealthy and poor
New Website Details Thousands of Violent Crimes by Abortion Supporters
Sainthood for Dr. Jerome Lejeune?
If motherhood is a vocation, then special motherhood is a call to sanctity. Sanctity is achieved by uphill battles, lonely dark nights, and surprising moments of grace. As Catholics, we are called to help one another, using the great gifts of the Church, the sacraments, the intercession of the Blessed Mother and the Communion of Saints. One such saint is Dr Jerome Lejeune, the French geneticist who identified the chromosomal abnormality known as Trisomy-21 or Down syndrome. He dedicated his life to seeking the cure for Trisomy-21, and working to defend the dignity of our
children against negative public opinion, and the majority of the scientific community who still seek to destroy rather than heal these children. Unborn babies diagnosed with Down syndrome are aborted at the scandalous rate of 90%.
Read the rest of this story 'Special motherhood is a call to sanctity'
Exciting News from Jill Stanek
Hannity's America to investigate Planned Parenthood
This Sunday, Hannity's America on Fox News Channel will feature an investigation of Planned Parenthood. The show will air 8p CST and 11p CST.
The program's impetus was the Aurora situation and the tremendous uprising against it. But also covered will be PP's other dubious activities. In fact, show producers asked pro-lifers providing background info to keep it quiet until a couple days ago so they could do some digging of PP without it knowing.
The segment is supposed to air about 8:30p CST. It will feature one or more of the Scheidlers, and we hear it will also feature Chicago's own Yvonne Florczak-Seeman, who had five abortions and is now pro-life.
This is not Planned Parenthood's week.
[HT: Tom Brejcha, Rock for Life, Eric Scheidler]
Off Topic - Fishbrick Updated
Tuesday breakfast -- cinnamon bun and coffee (the frosting, by the way, dripped all over my lap); lunch -- two chicken wings; dinner -- two packages of Raman noodles (artificial beef flavor).Wednesday breakfast -- two cups of coffee and six cherry tomatoes; lunch -- two one-dollar Burger King Spicy Chick'n Crisp sandwiches (by the way, the sandwiches didn't look like the picture on the website); dinner -- we'll see, but I'm thinking along the lines of the ice cream food group. As you can see by this data, I have rather unconventional eating habits, but I am willing to change next year.
Thursday, September 06, 2007
Thursday, August 30, 2007
Planned Parenthood and Nazi Eugenics (and Maggie!)
This article is excerpted from Salvation is From the Jews, by Roy Schoeman (Ignatius Press, San Francisco: 2004), with the kind permission of the author.
Planned Parenthood and Nazi Eugenics
There is a facile temptation to think of Nazi anti-Semitism as an expression of Christianity and Christian theology—“applied Christianity”, if you will. But even a cursory examination of Nazi writings and policies shows that this is far from the truth—on the contrary, the campaign to exterminate the Jews grew out of the world view of secular materialism, of evolution and the exaltation of the natural over the supernatural, and was in fact an extreme expression of “applied Darwinism.”
In the past there have been many persecutions of the Jews in Christian countries. These persecutions fell into one of three categories. Some were mob actions, inflamed expressions of blood lust and fury. Tragically, many of these were incited by pseudo-Christian exhortations to avenge the death of Christ, or by related blood libels against the Jews (most particularly accusing them of the human sacrifice of Christian children). The pogroms and the rampaging mobs of the Crusades fall into this category. However, the Holocaust does not. The slaughter of the Holocaust was not produced by momentary mob hysteria, but was a calculated, “rational”, long-term campaign plotted by sober, if deranged, minds.
At a March 1925 international birth control gathering held in New York City, a speaker warned of the menace posed by the “black” and “yellow” peril. The man was not a National Socialist (Nazi) or a leader of the Ku Klux Klan. The speaker was Dr. S. Adolphus Knopf, a member of Margaret Sanger’s American Birth Control League (ABCL), which along with other groups eventually became known as Planned Parenthood. Another doctor at this conference lamented that preventive medicine was saving the lives of “worthless unfits,” and he seriously suggested that euthanasia be used to “dispose of some of our utterly hopeless dependents,” but noted that this could not happen until the public changed its “prejudices” on the subject…
Elsewhere Sanger spoke of her plan for sterilizing those she designated as “unfit” as the “salvation of American civilization”. And she also spoke of those who were irresponsible and reckless’’, among whom she included those “whose religious scruples prevent their exercising control over their numbers”. She further contended that “there is no doubt in the minds of all thinking people that the procreation of this group should be stopped”. Whether this was to be accomplished “voluntarily” does not appear to have been a serious policy impediment.
Read the rest at Taki's Top Drawer:
Planned Parenthood and Nazi Eugenics
Tom Piatek Demolishes Christopher Hitchens
Hitchens’ Hubris
Posted by Tom Piatak on July 25, 2007
In July 1941, a political prisoner escaped from Auschwitz. As a punishment, ten others were chosen by the Nazis to be killed in a starvation bunker. One of these men, Franciszek Gajowniczek, began lamenting what his death would mean for his wife and children. Upon hearing these cries, another prisoner, a Franciscan friar named Maksymilian Kolbe—who had run afoul of the Nazis after sheltering refugees, including hundreds of Jews, at his friary—volunteered to take Gajowniczek’s place and was sent to the starvation bunker in his stead. In the bunker, Kolbe became the leader of those awaiting death, whom he was often seen consoling and leading in prayers and hymns. Two weeks later, only four of the men were still alive, and Kolbe alone was conscious. The Nazis killed them all; Kolbe was seen calmly giving his arm to the executioner who injected him with carbolic acid. The memory of Kolbe’s courage and selflessness lived on in those who survived the Golgotha of Auschwitz, including Franciszek Gajowniczek, and Kolbe was canonized by John Paul II in 1982.
Christopher Hitchens alludes to Kolbe in his careless and dishonest polemic God is not Great: How Religion Poisons Everything. Hitchens, though unable to bring himself to mention Kolbe by name, claims he was virtually the only Catholic hero of the Holocaust and dismisses him as “a rather ambivalent priest who … had apparently behaved nobly in Auschwitz.”
Read the rest at Taki's Top Drawer:
Hitchens’ Hubris
Wednesday, August 29, 2007
Quote of the Day: Jeff Rutland at Chirtianity & Culture
The roots, the philosophy, the vision and purpose permanently infect any organization. In the case of Planned Parenthood, it was a grand visionary attempt to get the right people reproducing and stop the wrong people from reproducing. Any guess as to who Miss Sanger believed needed sterilization? Right you are. Blacks were her target along with others.
Jill Stanek Column on Planned Parenthood
I'm not involved in municipal politics, but it would seem to me bad form for a business to sneak its way into a community by falsifying documents and submitting false testimony in planning meetings.
Yet that's exactly how Planned Parenthood came to build its largest abortion mill in the country in Aurora, IL, soon to be known as the "Auschwitz of America."
Read the rest here: Deception built super-secret abortion clinic - Outrage sparked after Planned Parenthood conceals site ownership
Modern Day Margaret?
Planned Parenthood founder Margaret Sanger had a simple solution to poverty: kill unborn poor children
Her spirit lives in blogger Radical Mama who, in a post called "Breaking the cycle" [which she has since removed — see update #2 below], boasts of her ongoing attempts to convince a 15-year-old girl to abort against her mother's wishes.
Radical Mama knows the girl, Julia, through the 4-H group to which the teen belonged. "I am trying to think about this [pregnancy] objectively, but I just can’t," the blogger writes. "This is one of my kids. Isn’t this why I volunteer? To prevent this sh-- from happening?"
"This sh--" — e.g. baby — must be prevented, Radical Mama says, for every reason imaginable. Julia was pressured into sex (or so the blogger assumes); she is only 15; her family is poor and her father is an abusive drug addict, etc., etc. Yet, the girl's mother insists that the baby would be welcome — a reaction that has Radical Mama seething with self-righteous fury.
Read the rest here Margaret Sanger is alive and well and living in the blogosphere [UPDATED]
La Shawn Barber has also weighed in on this topic with some great commentary: