Saturday, August 15, 2015 This Letter From A Group Of Black Pastors Sums Up Why We Should Stop Honoring Margaret Sanger has become one of the strongest social media voices for the unborn.  Lately it has been on top of both the Planned Parenthood Selling Baby Parts Story as well as the controversy of former KKK speaker Margaret Sanger being honored at the Smithsonian Institute.  Follow ForAmerica on Twitter and be sure to keep an on its website.

This Letter From A Group Of Black Pastors Sums Up Why We Should Stop Honoring Margaret Sanger

A collective of black pastors has written a letter to the National Portrait Gallery asking that the bust of Margaret Sanger, honoring the founder of Planned Parenthood, be removed due to her crimes against humanity in general and black children in particular.
Here’s an excerpt from the letter (emphasis added):
Perhaps the Gallery is unaware that Ms. Sanger supported black eugenics, a racist attitude toward black and other minority babies; an elitist attitude toward those she regarded as “the feeble minded;” speaking at rallies of Ku Klux Klan women; and communications with Hitler sympathizers. Also, the notorious “Negro Project” which sought to limit, if not eliminate, black births, was her brainchild. Despite these well-documented facts of history, her bust sits proudly in your gallery as a hero of justice. The obvious incongruity is staggering!
Perhaps your institution is a victim of propaganda advanced by those who support abortion. Nevertheless, a prestigious institution like the National Portrait Gallery should have higher standards and subject its honorees to higher scrutiny.
Until now the national spotlight has not fallen on Sanger’s background. However, the recent revelations about aborted babies’ organs and body parts being sold, have not only brought Planned Parenthood under intense scrutiny, but also raised questions about its founder, Margaret Sanger. If the revelations were not consistent with her character and ideas, one might argue that Planned Parenthood has “gone rogue” and abandoned Sanger. The fact is that the behavior of these abortionists, their callous and cavalier attitude toward these babies, is completely in keeping with Sanger’s perverse vision for America.

Wednesday, August 12, 2015

Noted author answers: "Why would the KKK invite Margaret Sanger?" Calls for removal from Smithsonian

Great article by Paul Bremmer at WND.  He interviews noted author Paul Kengor who nails the liberal establishment on their ability to ignore Margaret Sanger's self-confessed mutual admiration society with the KKK.  Bremmer also reports on the growing movement among black clergymen and scholars in general to throw the Planned Parenthood foundress out of the Smithsonian Institute.  

Image result for smithsonian

"This fact was not lost on a group of 10 black clergymen who now have sent a letter to the director of the Smithsonian Institution’s National Portrait Gallery requesting that a bust of Sanger be removed from the museum’s “Struggle for Justice” exhibit."

By Paul Bremmer
It may be uncomfortable for fans of Planned Parenthood, but it’s true – Margaret Sanger, the legendary birth control activist, was a racial eugenicist who once spoke before the Ku Klux Klan.

The evidence is right there in her own memoir, according to Paul Kengor.
“These are the kind of great lengths to which liberals go to ignore the writings of their own icons,” said Kengor, a professor and author of “Takedown: From Communists to Progressives, How the Left Has Sabotaged Family and Marriage.” “Pages 366 and 367 of her memoirs, published by a top New York publishing house, she talks about her 1926 speech to the Silver Lake, New Jersey, women’s chapter of the KKK. That’s right – Margaret Sanger spoke to the KKK.”
In an interview with WND, Kengor recounted Sanger’s KKK experience as documented in her memoir.
“She describes the white hoods that come through, the flaming crosses that come through,” Kengor recalled. “Then she gets up and speaks, and she spoke for so long and was such a hit that she didn’t get finished until late at night. She also said a whole bunch of additional offers to speak were proffered by her enthusiastic audience, and she finished so late that she missed the train to go back to New York. She had to spend the night there.
“And people might wonder, why would the KKK invite Margaret Sanger? Because Margaret Sanger was a racial eugenicist. She spoke openly of race improvement.”
This fact was not lost on a group of 10 black clergymen who now have sent a letter to the director of the Smithsonian Institution’s National Portrait Gallery requesting that a bust of Sanger be removed from the museum’s “Struggle for Justice” exhibit.


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Monday, August 03, 2015

NOW President Tries to Defend Planned Parenthood Founder: Margaret Sanger Didn't Just Hate Blacks

It is impossible to defend the ugly racist who founded Planned Parenthood.  When Margaret Sanger spoke at her first Ku Klux Klan rally, the crowd went gaga and invited her to more hate rallies.  "A dozen invitations to speak to similar groups were proffered." (Margaret Sanger: An Autobiography, P.366)

So you can't blame the hapless President of NOW for this feeble defense of the KKK's favorite keynote speaker:

Laurie Bertram Roberts, Mississippi State Pres. of the National Organization of Women, comments on Margaret Sanger’s racism:

“First of all, Margaret Sanger did not work on abortion. She worked on birth control. Context is everything. I will never deny that Margaret Sanger was connected to the eugenics movement, what they (abortion opponents) never bothered to say is that eugenicists also wanted to limit the birth rate of poor white people and disabled people. It wasn’t just Black people; it was a whole lot of people they deem to be unfit.”

Quoted in “Thank God for Stupid Enemies” Speaker for the Dead WEDNESDAY, APRIL 16, 2014

From Anna Wolf “Using the KKK to Fight Abortion Rights” Jackson Free Press April 16, 2014

Margaret Sanger was the founder of Planned Parenthood. She was also an avowed racist (she spoke at at least one KKK meeting) who did indeed advocate sterilizations of the handicapped and poor.  

Great discussion going on at Free Republic:  NOW pres: It’s ok, Margaret Sanger didn’t just hate Blacks

The great Glenn McCoy

Cartoon above refers to the Live Action Planned Parenthood Racism Project.   If you missed it at the time or just want to refresh your memory (we ourselves had forgotten how disturbing these videos are) go back and check out  Live Action Planned Parenthood Racism Project.