Saturday, August 15, 2015 This Letter From A Group Of Black Pastors Sums Up Why We Should Stop Honoring Margaret Sanger has become one of the strongest social media voices for the unborn.  Lately it has been on top of both the Planned Parenthood Selling Baby Parts Story as well as the controversy of former KKK speaker Margaret Sanger being honored at the Smithsonian Institute.  Follow ForAmerica on Twitter and be sure to keep an on its website.

This Letter From A Group Of Black Pastors Sums Up Why We Should Stop Honoring Margaret Sanger

A collective of black pastors has written a letter to the National Portrait Gallery asking that the bust of Margaret Sanger, honoring the founder of Planned Parenthood, be removed due to her crimes against humanity in general and black children in particular.
Here’s an excerpt from the letter (emphasis added):
Perhaps the Gallery is unaware that Ms. Sanger supported black eugenics, a racist attitude toward black and other minority babies; an elitist attitude toward those she regarded as “the feeble minded;” speaking at rallies of Ku Klux Klan women; and communications with Hitler sympathizers. Also, the notorious “Negro Project” which sought to limit, if not eliminate, black births, was her brainchild. Despite these well-documented facts of history, her bust sits proudly in your gallery as a hero of justice. The obvious incongruity is staggering!
Perhaps your institution is a victim of propaganda advanced by those who support abortion. Nevertheless, a prestigious institution like the National Portrait Gallery should have higher standards and subject its honorees to higher scrutiny.
Until now the national spotlight has not fallen on Sanger’s background. However, the recent revelations about aborted babies’ organs and body parts being sold, have not only brought Planned Parenthood under intense scrutiny, but also raised questions about its founder, Margaret Sanger. If the revelations were not consistent with her character and ideas, one might argue that Planned Parenthood has “gone rogue” and abandoned Sanger. The fact is that the behavior of these abortionists, their callous and cavalier attitude toward these babies, is completely in keeping with Sanger’s perverse vision for America.


  1. Anonymous8:20 PM

    Most of the charged against Sanger are utter BS, not that this will dissuade you:

  2. Anonymous12:16 AM

    Your lack of Grammer anonymous,would have placed you squarely in Sangers sights.The woman was evil! Why would any decent person want to defend her?

  3. Anonymous1:27 AM

    I think that the bust should remain. We should never forget our past so it will never happen again. Never hide from our past.

  4. Anonymous12:14 AM

    Chaplain messy Religious Prayer Hail St. Mary true life story butt fantasy movie,
    Ok navy let me show you a couple things navy ok. Navy I did the dishes for all Special Forces at E-3 Seaman General. Now I have less pull and power then a deck seaman butt… Corporate Raider here I, we go navy. In my, our movies ‘we give and take no orders’ ok. Executive’s like flipping burgers at McDonalds butt I, us we don’t like changing diapers or doing dishes ok.
    If you can’t wear the uniform in public then it has to go yes navy it has too go. All navy uniforms need to be wearable in front of people ok. I, we get the office in the navy is on a boring ship butt… let’s think that if that uniform works in the President’s Office. Oh I, we like this one navy I’m Pro Education for all sort of… “President George Georgian and I have no connections to the CIA KGB Radio, Television humor”.
    The hat that Dixie cup hat now that I know it’s just funny too wear that hat navy… you needed to drop a dime on me that hat is funny to wear ok. Just keep that Dixie flying navy because that Dixie is on a Crackerjack box and in acting when we hit the crackerjack on key I’m pointing like the babe on accident at the noble peace prize ok navy. It’s kind of an accident to point at something noble like you own it like that. That was an oops in battle that may take a while to patch up. Anyway Executives, navy I was ‘pointing like the babe’ at the mess cook of the month plaque to the chief that was trying to slave drive me so… I was pointing like the babe at that award mess crank of the month ok navy. Bank I, we got mess crank of the month. It’s not as good as KP of the month butt it’s all good here for me, us butt good enough.
    Since you guys like that white Dixie cup I guess I would go with all navy uniforms at with Snow blues. Yes for you it’s navy blue butt I, we like the snow blue shades. It’s kind of pink and green. You’re on a ship in uniforms hiding the uniforms from the bad guys for say.
    I don’t care butt… deck needs sleep to drive the ship for the people of the ship ok.
    All lockers need to be busted off because they do think to lock people up in many different claustrophobia lockers until they become bones ok. A chief tried to lock me in a locker so… I, we jumped in and then let him lock me in with my cat that ate the canary smile. Yo chief that’s a dive for the Green Berets. I went in so… I could learn more green beret for say. How do you like my Dixie cup Chief. My Dixie cup might look good as the McDonalds employee of the month. See chief I could’ve told you why I, we took the dive butt you would’ve called it off. If you ever realize people like you are the reason Special Forces trains like that chief you would be just an ok joke to those chief. Chief today we settled up chief butt can you find another planet while I corporate raider your plant maybe Earth. It’s harmless being a corporate raider butt some guys go to court, jails, prisons, hospital lock downs, mental hospitals, lock downs you know it’s like that chief.
    I call it FedEx navy… just UPS, FedEx war navy bring them home navy. From what I understand the MEU units are filled with the bad guys so… yes I agree leave them as mules-MEU units use too act-fake I, we are in another land for World War 3 Forever ok navy. I’m with the whites and 10% goods butt the 11% percent goods biggest threat to us needs to be like wild animals, lions, tigers, bears. As speak as if a banker I, we do have to shut down everybody’s money for chemicals, nuclear weapons, guns, bullets, just send the through them food and clothes I agree it’s what we need to do too stay out of World War 3 forever ok. The 11% goods like and want to live like that maybe so… we are justified butt. Whites don’t even trespass. You gross people that look white that don’t know you’re in cities with White Supremacy Gangs Gangster gangland that German, Gamer, G-Rider.

  5. Anonymous12:44 AM

    Then why not speak about it from the pulpit? Why not expose the Smithsonian for having her on display...? (or if they insist on having her on display and others alike...then speak truth to their demise towards black people!) I am one that believes ALL THE PEOPLE need to know that history!! "What's the #1 killer of blacks today...? More than 2 million abortions take place a year amongst BLACK FEMALES...WHY? Then in turn, go after the BLACK MAN over support payments...kind of funny isn't it?? Ever heard..."KILL 2 BIRDS WITH 1 STONE?" such a metaphor, isn't it?? NOT HARDLY...BECAUSE IT'S REAL TODAY...!! ( I'm not really trying to be anonymous...just don't care to add my, just call me EASY of DC )

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