Wednesday, October 17, 2007

As Alumni Rise Up in Disgust, Has a Catholic College Hit the Tipping Point? Holy Cross Alumni Rally as School Hosts Radical Abortion Groups

A great new website launched to fight back against a Catholic school not being Catholic. It is about time for the alumni, who millions into these schools, to take their schools back. Other pro-abortion colleges like John Carroll and Georgetown could use similar efforts.

What's happened:

article: Holy Cross hears Outcry For Space Rental

Oct. 12 - Boston Globe
Read Fr. McFarland's rebuttal to Bishop McManus

Read the statement from Bishop McManus asking Fr. McFarland to cancel Planned Parenthood's appearance

Read the email sent by Fr. McFarland to a student, defending Planned Parenthood
Read one alumni's letter to Fr. McFarland asking him to cancel the Planned Parenthood event, with five main attachments:

-Mass. Alliance on Teen Pregnancy brochure for their Oct. 24th Event-Newspaper ad on Abstinence-HHS Report on Sex-Education and Abstinence Programs-Heritage Foundation Study on Abstinence Programs-Article on Planned Parenthood's sex education fraud
What you can do:

1. Calls - Call five people and make a difference
Call Father McFarland - 508-793-2525Call Bishop McManus - 508-791-7171
Call the Jesuit Superior General - 202-462-0400
Call the Papal Nuncio - 202-337-1721Call the Vatican - +39.06.6982

2. Emails - Send one email to and email five:
Father McFarland
Bishop McManus
the Jesuit Superior General
the Papal Nuncio
the Chairman of the Holy Cross Board of Trustees

3. Donations - Change your giving patterns, send a message, and support worthy causes
Support a pro-life organization, Students for Life
Support the Holy Cross Cardinal Newman Society
Support another faithful Catholic Colleges

4. Sign the Petition

5. Do you know one of the Holy Cross Trustees? Let us know!

What current Holy Cross students can do

Find other pro-life students who are upset about this situation, and email us at

Take action with an ad that was banned from the campus newspaper, the Crusader, and and put it on a bulletin board or pass it out around campus.


Read a background on the Massachusetts Alliance on Teen Pregnancy