Friday, March 16, 2007

Quote of the Day: Alveda King

From the Alveda King National Catholic Register interview via

Why do you think abortion has been so disproportionately prevalent in the black community?

Margaret Sanger [founder of Planned Parenthood] had a eugenics program, and she wanted to eliminate certain elements of the population. One of Sanger’s targeted groups was black people [Google “The Negro Project”]. She sent secret messages about wanting to eliminate blacks, saying that if we can get their leaders to support us then we can get in there and do this. You can find research on this at .


Also check out Alveda on YouTube:


  1. Anonymous8:35 PM

    Abortion is prevalent in the black community because they are, well, more impelled to have sex. Unfortunately it's the more responsible ones who have wht they understand is an untenable pregnancy terminated. The dumber ones either can't understand the consequences of birth or don't even know they are pregnant until they are well along.
