Saturday, March 10, 2007

Genocide in America

Confessions of a Crazy Schoolmarm notes that:

Since 1973, abortion has reduced the black population by over 25 percent.

Twice as many African-Americans have died from abortion than have died fromAIDS, accidents, violent crimes, cancer, and heart disease combined.

Every three days, more African-Americans are killed by abortion than have been killed by the Ku Klux Klan in its entire history.

Planned Parenthood operates the nation's largest chain of abortion clinics andalmost 80 percent of its facilities are located in minority neighborhoods.

About 13 percent of American women are black, but theysubmit to over 35 percent of the abortions.


Sanger would be thoroughly pleased with the way her organization continues to run itself, and especially with the support it gets from Black leaders such as Senator Obama.


  1. Anonymous9:33 PM

    This is not to say that I don't agree with what you have posted, but this picture of Margaret Sanger is obviously fake. Whoever did it could have done a better job than using "Paint".

  2. Anonymous10:18 PM

    I agree^^^^.

    That Ku Klux Klan picture at the top of the page is clearly fake! You can tell that someone pasted Margaret on that picture.

    She is not really standing there getting ready to give a speech..smh

    The person that posted that picture used "Paint" instead of
