Margaret Sanger wrote about her Ku Klux Klan speech in her autobiography, "I accepted an invitation to talk to the women's branch of the Ku Klux Klan...I saw through the door dim figures parading with banners and illuminated crosses...I was escorted to the platform, was introduced, and began to speak...In the end, through simple illustrations I believed I had accomplished my purpose. A dozen invitations to speak to similar groups were proffered." (Margaret Sanger: An Autobiography, P.366)
What did she say in her talk at the KKK Rally that led to twelve more invitations? Well, take a look at some of her past quotes:
1) "We should hire three or four colored ministers, preferably with social-service backgrounds, and with engaging personalities. The most successful educational approach to the Negro is through a religious appeal. We don't want the word to go out that we want to exterminate the Negro population. and the minister is the man who can straighten out that idea if it ever occurs to any of their more rebellious members."
Margaret Sanger's December 19, 1939 letter to Dr. Clarence Gamble, 255 Adams Street, Milton, Massachusetts. Original source: Sophia Smith Collection, Smith College, North Hampton, Massachusetts. Also described in Linda Gordon's Woman's Body, Woman's Right: A Social History of Birth Control in America. New York: Grossman Publishers, 1976.
2) "Eugenic sterilization is an urgent need ... We must prevent multiplication of this bad stock."
Margaret Sanger, April 1933 Birth Control Review.
3) "Our failure to segregate morons who are increasing and multiplying ... demonstrates our foolhardy and extravagant sentimentalism ... [Philanthropists] encourage the healthier and more normal sections of the world to shoulder the burden of unthinking and indiscriminate fecundity of others; which brings with it, as I think the reader must agree, a dead weight of human waste. Instead of decreasing and aiming to eliminate the stocks that are most detrimental to the future of the race and the world, it tends to render them to a menacing degree dominant ... We are paying for, and even submitting to, the dictates of an ever-increasing, unceasingly spawning class of human beings who never should have been born at all."
Margaret Sanger. The Pivot of Civilization, 1922. Chapter on "The Cruelty of Charity," pages 116, 122, and 189. Swarthmore College Library edition.
4) "The most merciful thing that a family does to one of its infant members is to kill it."
Margaret Sanger (editor). The Woman Rebel, Volume I, Number 1. Reprinted in Woman and the New Race. New York: Brentanos Publishers, 1922.
5) "Birth control must lead ultimately to a cleaner race."
Margaret Sanger. Woman, Morality, and Birth Control. New York: New York Publishing Company, 1922. Page 12.
6) "Eugenics is … the most adequate and thorough avenue to the solution of racial, political and social problems.Margaret Sanger. "
The Eugenic Value of Birth Control Propaganda." Birth Control Review, October 1921, page 5.

The Truth About Margaret Sanger
"I accepted an invitation to talk to the women's branch of the Ku Klux Klan...I saw through the door dim figures parading with banners and illuminated crosses...I was escorted to the platform, was introduced, and began to speak...In the end, through simple illustrations I believed I had accomplished my purpose. A dozen invitations to speak to similar groups were proffered." (Margaret Sanger: An Autobiography, P.366)
Friday, March 28, 2008
Wednesday, March 26, 2008
A Great Washington Times Editorial on Planned Parenthood, Racism and Margaret Sanger
The abortion industry
It is well known that Margaret Sanger, the founder of Planned Parenthood, aligned herself with the eugenicists concerned with eliminating undesirables from the population. Moreover, Sanger received and accepted an invitation to address a Ku Klux Klan chapter and gave a speech that led to additional Klan invitations. Although we do not know what she said, we do know that recently questions have been raised about racism at Planned Parenthood clinics.
Documented in a widely-circulated recording and transcript, a UCLA student researcher for a pro-life magazine hired a professional actor in February 2008 to call Planned Parenthood clinics around the country, offering donations to "lower the number of black people" by targeting black babies for abortion. She found Planned Parenthood clinics in seven states that agreed to take the monies. Not one Planned Parenthood employee objected to the caller's racist remarks or purposes.
Read the rest here:
The abortion industry
It is well known that Margaret Sanger, the founder of Planned Parenthood, aligned herself with the eugenicists concerned with eliminating undesirables from the population. Moreover, Sanger received and accepted an invitation to address a Ku Klux Klan chapter and gave a speech that led to additional Klan invitations. Although we do not know what she said, we do know that recently questions have been raised about racism at Planned Parenthood clinics.
Documented in a widely-circulated recording and transcript, a UCLA student researcher for a pro-life magazine hired a professional actor in February 2008 to call Planned Parenthood clinics around the country, offering donations to "lower the number of black people" by targeting black babies for abortion. She found Planned Parenthood clinics in seven states that agreed to take the monies. Not one Planned Parenthood employee objected to the caller's racist remarks or purposes.
Read the rest here:
The abortion industry
Friday, March 21, 2008
Planned Parenthood of Idaho Apologizes for Targeting Black Babies reports that Planned Parenthood has apologized for targeting black babies for abortions. Of course, targeting black babies has been part of Planned Parenthood's game plan since the very beginning. The foundress, Margaret Sanger, spoke at a Ku Klux Klan rally and was so well received that she was flooded with similar invitations. So while Planned Parenthood may be apologizing for once again giving its game away, don't look for Planned Parenthood to stop killing black babies any time soon. The Planned Parenthood clinics will remain in predominantly black neighborhoods and rich bigoted whites liberals will continue to finance Black Genocide.
Planned Parenthood of Idaho Apologizes for Targeting Black Babies
The nation's largest abortion provider has apologized for accepting racist donations.
Planned Parenthood of Idaho assured a caller that his donation would be used to abort black babies, the Idaho Statesman reported. It has since apologized.
The Advocate, a pro-life student magazine at the University of California-Los Angeles, hired an actor last summer to call Planned Parenthood posing as a donor who wanted his money used to abort black babies. Autumn Kersey, vice president of development and marketing for Planned Parenthood of Idaho, took the call and welcomed the donation.
The Advocate has released transcripts and audio recordings of the phone call. Planned Parenthood is accusing The Advocate of trying to discredit its employees and is threatening to sue.
Lila Rose, editor in chief of the magazine, led the investigation and said Planned Parenthood’s response comes as no surprise. She said the unedited recordings speak for themselves.
“Seventy-nine percent of their clinics are in minority neighborhoods,” she said. “They offer special incentive programs for black women and other minorities to get free abortions, under the misnomer of ‘Women in Need’ and ‘Justice’ funds.
“An African-American baby conceived in this country is just about as likely to be aborted as it is to be born.”
The Advocate has recordings from six other Planned Parenthood clinics that also agreed to accept donations to abort black babies. The magazine is calling for the UCLA administration to immediately cut ties with Planned Parenthood.
Be sure to see the video of the phone calls
Planned Parenthood of Idaho Apologizes for Targeting Black Babies
The nation's largest abortion provider has apologized for accepting racist donations.
Planned Parenthood of Idaho assured a caller that his donation would be used to abort black babies, the Idaho Statesman reported. It has since apologized.
The Advocate, a pro-life student magazine at the University of California-Los Angeles, hired an actor last summer to call Planned Parenthood posing as a donor who wanted his money used to abort black babies. Autumn Kersey, vice president of development and marketing for Planned Parenthood of Idaho, took the call and welcomed the donation.
The Advocate has released transcripts and audio recordings of the phone call. Planned Parenthood is accusing The Advocate of trying to discredit its employees and is threatening to sue.
Lila Rose, editor in chief of the magazine, led the investigation and said Planned Parenthood’s response comes as no surprise. She said the unedited recordings speak for themselves.
“Seventy-nine percent of their clinics are in minority neighborhoods,” she said. “They offer special incentive programs for black women and other minorities to get free abortions, under the misnomer of ‘Women in Need’ and ‘Justice’ funds.
“An African-American baby conceived in this country is just about as likely to be aborted as it is to be born.”
The Advocate has recordings from six other Planned Parenthood clinics that also agreed to accept donations to abort black babies. The magazine is calling for the UCLA administration to immediately cut ties with Planned Parenthood.
Be sure to see the video of the phone calls
Saturday, March 15, 2008
Planned Parenthood: Living out the Racist Vision of Margaret Sanger
Great article from the California Catholic Daily:
And be sure to see this video documenting the racism of Planned Parenthood
“They live out her racist vision”
Covert investigation by UCLA students finds Planned Parenthood still wedded to founder’s bigoted views
A 19 year-old sophomore at UCLA continues to shake up pro-abortion forces with her investigative reporting, most recently by revealing Planned Parenthood’s indifference to racism when it benefits them.
Lila Rose, editor of The Advocate, a student magazine devoted to “educating the UCLA community about the right to life for all human beings,” had an actor posing as a prospective donor call Planned Parenthood in five states, offering to give money to “lower the number of blacks in America” and other racially motivated reasons. Not one Planned Parenthood employee rejected the money, nor did any of them object to the racist rhetoric of the caller.
Below is an exchange taken from one of the calls, during which the fake donor spoke with Autumn Kersey, director of development for Planned Parenthood of Idaho:
Donor: The abortion -- I can give money specifically for a black baby, that would be the purpose?
PP Rep: Absolutely. If you wanted to designate that your gift be used to help an African-American woman in need, then we would certainly make sure that the gift was earmarked for that purpose.
Donor: Great, because I really faced trouble with affirmative action, and I don’t want my kids to be disadvantaged against black kids. I just had a baby; I want to put it in his name. PP Rep: Yes, absolutely.
Donor: And we don’t, you know we just think, the less black kids out there the better.
PP Rep: Understandable, understandable.
Donor: Right. I want to protect my son, so he can get into college.
PP Rep: All right. Excuse my hesitation, this is the first time I’ve had a donor call and make this kind of request, so I’m excited, and want to make sure I don’t leave anything out.
Rose says she got the idea for the calls by reading about Planned Parenthood founder Margaret Sanger. “She was a racist and eugenicist,” said Rose. “She literally wanted to use sterilization and abortion as a tool to wipe out minority populations, especially the black community. Yet today, they (Planned Parenthood) honor their founder, this racist, with the Margaret Sanger Award that they give out.” Rose continued, “At the same time, they live out her racist vision on a practical level by targeting the African-American and minority communities. Seventy-nine percent of their clinics are in minority neighborhoods. They offer special incentive programs for black women and other minorities to get free abortions, under the misnomer of ‘Women in Need’ and ‘Justice’ funds. In fact, in our investigation, employees told us about special funds that were set up for minority women.
“The African-American community is impacted by this more than any other group because the statistics show that 13 percent of women are African-American, but they get more than 36 percent of all abortions. An African-American baby conceived in this country is just about as likely to be aborted as it is to be born.”
So far, The Advocate has released transcripts and recordings from just two of the states, Idaho and Ohio. The other three states will be released soon.
This is not the first time Rose has conducted undercover work to expose Planned Parenthood’s dark agenda. Last year, posing as an underage pregnant girl with an adult boyfriend, she secretly videotaped Planned Parenthood employees in Los Angeles telling a girl they believed to be 15 years old to "figure out a birth-date that works" to prevent statutory rape charges against her supposed 23-year-old boyfriend.
In addition to publishing a story about it in The Advocate, Rose posted the videos on YouTube. On May 14, 2007, Planned Parenthood sent Rose a cease and desist letter by registered mail demanding that she stop the calls, relinquish all recordings and transcripts and remove them from the Internet. Rose has not complied.
And be sure to see this video documenting the racism of Planned Parenthood
“They live out her racist vision”
Covert investigation by UCLA students finds Planned Parenthood still wedded to founder’s bigoted views
A 19 year-old sophomore at UCLA continues to shake up pro-abortion forces with her investigative reporting, most recently by revealing Planned Parenthood’s indifference to racism when it benefits them.
Lila Rose, editor of The Advocate, a student magazine devoted to “educating the UCLA community about the right to life for all human beings,” had an actor posing as a prospective donor call Planned Parenthood in five states, offering to give money to “lower the number of blacks in America” and other racially motivated reasons. Not one Planned Parenthood employee rejected the money, nor did any of them object to the racist rhetoric of the caller.
Below is an exchange taken from one of the calls, during which the fake donor spoke with Autumn Kersey, director of development for Planned Parenthood of Idaho:
Donor: The abortion -- I can give money specifically for a black baby, that would be the purpose?
PP Rep: Absolutely. If you wanted to designate that your gift be used to help an African-American woman in need, then we would certainly make sure that the gift was earmarked for that purpose.
Donor: Great, because I really faced trouble with affirmative action, and I don’t want my kids to be disadvantaged against black kids. I just had a baby; I want to put it in his name. PP Rep: Yes, absolutely.
Donor: And we don’t, you know we just think, the less black kids out there the better.
PP Rep: Understandable, understandable.
Donor: Right. I want to protect my son, so he can get into college.
PP Rep: All right. Excuse my hesitation, this is the first time I’ve had a donor call and make this kind of request, so I’m excited, and want to make sure I don’t leave anything out.
Rose says she got the idea for the calls by reading about Planned Parenthood founder Margaret Sanger. “She was a racist and eugenicist,” said Rose. “She literally wanted to use sterilization and abortion as a tool to wipe out minority populations, especially the black community. Yet today, they (Planned Parenthood) honor their founder, this racist, with the Margaret Sanger Award that they give out.” Rose continued, “At the same time, they live out her racist vision on a practical level by targeting the African-American and minority communities. Seventy-nine percent of their clinics are in minority neighborhoods. They offer special incentive programs for black women and other minorities to get free abortions, under the misnomer of ‘Women in Need’ and ‘Justice’ funds. In fact, in our investigation, employees told us about special funds that were set up for minority women.
“The African-American community is impacted by this more than any other group because the statistics show that 13 percent of women are African-American, but they get more than 36 percent of all abortions. An African-American baby conceived in this country is just about as likely to be aborted as it is to be born.”
So far, The Advocate has released transcripts and recordings from just two of the states, Idaho and Ohio. The other three states will be released soon.
This is not the first time Rose has conducted undercover work to expose Planned Parenthood’s dark agenda. Last year, posing as an underage pregnant girl with an adult boyfriend, she secretly videotaped Planned Parenthood employees in Los Angeles telling a girl they believed to be 15 years old to "figure out a birth-date that works" to prevent statutory rape charges against her supposed 23-year-old boyfriend.
In addition to publishing a story about it in The Advocate, Rose posted the videos on YouTube. On May 14, 2007, Planned Parenthood sent Rose a cease and desist letter by registered mail demanding that she stop the calls, relinquish all recordings and transcripts and remove them from the Internet. Rose has not complied.
Saturday, March 08, 2008
Planned Parenthood: Wanting fewer blacks 'understandable'
Thanks to Dani for the tip.
From World Net Daily:
Planned Parenthood: Wanting fewer blacks 'understandable'
Abortion provider says 'yes' when 'donor' wants to reduce minorities
By Bob Unruh
A student-run magazine at UCLA has revealed an undercover investigation in which representatives of Planned Parenthood, the nation's abortion industry leader, admitted willingness to accepting a financial donation targeting the destruction of an unborn black baby.
Lila Rose, who edits The Advocate, previously revealed how Planned Parenthood officials expressed a willingness to conceal statutory rape, an investigative piece that earned her an appearance on the Fox News Channel's "The O'Reilly Factor."
Now she's told WND she hopes the taped responses of Planned Parenthood officials in seven states reveal to her local UCLA community and the nation the racist leanings of the organization.
WND calls to Planned Parenthood of Idaho, which was featured in The Advocate report, requesting a comment were not returned.
"Students on campus are shocked and saddened that such a huge organization would have racist leanings in the present day," Rose told WND. "They are surprised to hear the truth about [Planned Parenthood founder] Margaret Sanger, and how the African-American community is being hurt by abortion.
"There's a lot of surprise out there. Planned Parenthood does an excellent job of covering up the facts," she said.
Sanger supported eugenics to cull those she considered unfit from the population. In 1921, she said eugenics is "the most adequate and thorough avenue to the solution of racial, political and social problems."
At one point, Sanger lamented "the ever increasing, unceasingly spawning class of human beings who never should have been born at all." Another time, Sanger wrote, "We do not want the word to go out that we want to exterminate the Negro population."
According to Bryan Fisher, executive director of Idaho Values Alliance, Planned Parenthood, which gets an estimated $200 million annually from U.S. taxpayers, has located nearly 80 percent of its clinics nationwide in minority neighborhoods, and about one-third of all abortions are performed on blacks, even though they make up only 13 percent of the population.
Nationwide, almost half of all black pregnancies end in abortion, officials said.
"It turns out that blatant racism is alive and well in Idaho, but it's not coming from the Aryan Nation types – it's coming from way-left organizations like Idaho's own Planned Parenthood," Fischer said. "If Idaho is in fact a haven for white racism, it turns out that Planned Parenthood and not Richard Butler is to blame."
Richard Butler, who died in 2004, was a notorious white supremacist who founded Aryan Nations in northern Idaho. He lost a 20-acre compound in 2000 when a $6.3 million civil judgment against his group led to a bankruptcy.
"Idaho didn't have room for Richard Butler and shouldn't have room for Planned Parenthood," Fischer said.
The Advocate released a transcript of a conversation between an actor presuming to be a racist and wanting to make a donation, and a woman identified as Autumn Kersey, vice president of marketing for Planned Parenthood of Idaho.
Actor: I want to specify that abortion to help a minority group, would that be possible?
Planned Parenthood: Absolutely.
Actor: Like the black community for example?
Planned Parenthood: Certainly.
Actor: The abortion – I can give money specifically for a black baby, that would be the purpose?
Planned Parenthood: Absolutely. If you wanted to designate that your gift be used to help an African-American woman in need, then we would certainly make sure that the gift was earmarked for that purpose.
Actor: Great, because I really faced trouble with affirmative action, and I don't want my kids to be disadvantaged against black kids. I just had a baby; I want to put it in his name.
Planned Parenthood: Yes, absolutely.
Actor: And we don't, you know we just think, the less black kids out there the better.
Planned Parenthood: (Laughs) Understandable, understandable.
Actor: Right. I want to protect my son, so he can get into college.
Planned Parenthood: All right. Excuse my hesitation, this is the first time I've had a donor call and make this kind of request, so I'm excited, and want to make sure I don't leave anything out.
The investigation included calls to Planned Parenthood in Idaho and half a dozen other states
"I think Idahoans are going to be horrified and shocked at the blatant racism and bigotry exhibited by our local Planned Parenthood affiliate," said Fischer. "I just cannot imagine they're going to stand for that."
He said the timing of the release of the information was intriguing, because the Idaho Legislature is scheduled this week to have its first public hearing on a bill written to prevent Idaho women from being forced into having abortions they do not want.
Rose said students at UCLA now have begun a petition to request the school cut its affiliations with Planned Parenthood.
She said the actor specifically asked about lowering "the number of black people," and each PP branch called agreed to process the racially earmarked donation.
"None expressed concern about the racist reasoning for the donation," The Advocate said.
The Advocate said an Ohio representative, identified as Lisa Hutton, listens to the racist reasoning, but confirmed Planned Parenthood "will accept the money for whatever reason."
Rose said her UCLA campaign has been endorsed by Alveda King, niece of Martin Luther King, who said she supports "the student campaign to get UCLA to cease its programs with Planned Parenthood."
Another Planned Parenthood branch, in Kansas, is facing 107 misdemeanor and felonies charges for allegedly violating Kansas abortion law.
WND reported Rose previously posed as a 15-year-old seeking an abortion at a Planned Parenthood center in Santa Monica, Calif. She was equipped with a hidden camera when she met with an employee to discuss her options.
When Rose revealed she was 15 and her boyfriend was 23, the employee informed her Planned Parenthood was legally required to report the statutory rape, a transcript of the conversation shows.
The Planned Parenthood representative then suggested she could say she was 16 and avoid complications.
"Well, just figure out a birth date that works. And I don't know anything," the rep said.
The Texas-based pro-life group Life Dynamics previously conducted an extensive undercover project in which an adult volunteer posing as a 13-year-old called every Planned Parenthood clinic in the U.S., saying she was pregnant by a 22-year-old boyfriend. Almost without exception, the clinics advised her to obtain an abortion without her parents' knowledge and told her how to protect her boyfriend, who would be guilty in any state of statutory rape.
Thanks to Dani for the tip.
From World Net Daily:
Planned Parenthood: Wanting fewer blacks 'understandable'
Abortion provider says 'yes' when 'donor' wants to reduce minorities
By Bob Unruh
A student-run magazine at UCLA has revealed an undercover investigation in which representatives of Planned Parenthood, the nation's abortion industry leader, admitted willingness to accepting a financial donation targeting the destruction of an unborn black baby.
Lila Rose, who edits The Advocate, previously revealed how Planned Parenthood officials expressed a willingness to conceal statutory rape, an investigative piece that earned her an appearance on the Fox News Channel's "The O'Reilly Factor."
Now she's told WND she hopes the taped responses of Planned Parenthood officials in seven states reveal to her local UCLA community and the nation the racist leanings of the organization.
WND calls to Planned Parenthood of Idaho, which was featured in The Advocate report, requesting a comment were not returned.
"Students on campus are shocked and saddened that such a huge organization would have racist leanings in the present day," Rose told WND. "They are surprised to hear the truth about [Planned Parenthood founder] Margaret Sanger, and how the African-American community is being hurt by abortion.
"There's a lot of surprise out there. Planned Parenthood does an excellent job of covering up the facts," she said.
Sanger supported eugenics to cull those she considered unfit from the population. In 1921, she said eugenics is "the most adequate and thorough avenue to the solution of racial, political and social problems."
At one point, Sanger lamented "the ever increasing, unceasingly spawning class of human beings who never should have been born at all." Another time, Sanger wrote, "We do not want the word to go out that we want to exterminate the Negro population."
According to Bryan Fisher, executive director of Idaho Values Alliance, Planned Parenthood, which gets an estimated $200 million annually from U.S. taxpayers, has located nearly 80 percent of its clinics nationwide in minority neighborhoods, and about one-third of all abortions are performed on blacks, even though they make up only 13 percent of the population.
Nationwide, almost half of all black pregnancies end in abortion, officials said.
"It turns out that blatant racism is alive and well in Idaho, but it's not coming from the Aryan Nation types – it's coming from way-left organizations like Idaho's own Planned Parenthood," Fischer said. "If Idaho is in fact a haven for white racism, it turns out that Planned Parenthood and not Richard Butler is to blame."
Richard Butler, who died in 2004, was a notorious white supremacist who founded Aryan Nations in northern Idaho. He lost a 20-acre compound in 2000 when a $6.3 million civil judgment against his group led to a bankruptcy.
"Idaho didn't have room for Richard Butler and shouldn't have room for Planned Parenthood," Fischer said.
The Advocate released a transcript of a conversation between an actor presuming to be a racist and wanting to make a donation, and a woman identified as Autumn Kersey, vice president of marketing for Planned Parenthood of Idaho.
Actor: I want to specify that abortion to help a minority group, would that be possible?
Planned Parenthood: Absolutely.
Actor: Like the black community for example?
Planned Parenthood: Certainly.
Actor: The abortion – I can give money specifically for a black baby, that would be the purpose?
Planned Parenthood: Absolutely. If you wanted to designate that your gift be used to help an African-American woman in need, then we would certainly make sure that the gift was earmarked for that purpose.
Actor: Great, because I really faced trouble with affirmative action, and I don't want my kids to be disadvantaged against black kids. I just had a baby; I want to put it in his name.
Planned Parenthood: Yes, absolutely.
Actor: And we don't, you know we just think, the less black kids out there the better.
Planned Parenthood: (Laughs) Understandable, understandable.
Actor: Right. I want to protect my son, so he can get into college.
Planned Parenthood: All right. Excuse my hesitation, this is the first time I've had a donor call and make this kind of request, so I'm excited, and want to make sure I don't leave anything out.
The investigation included calls to Planned Parenthood in Idaho and half a dozen other states
"I think Idahoans are going to be horrified and shocked at the blatant racism and bigotry exhibited by our local Planned Parenthood affiliate," said Fischer. "I just cannot imagine they're going to stand for that."
He said the timing of the release of the information was intriguing, because the Idaho Legislature is scheduled this week to have its first public hearing on a bill written to prevent Idaho women from being forced into having abortions they do not want.
Rose said students at UCLA now have begun a petition to request the school cut its affiliations with Planned Parenthood.
She said the actor specifically asked about lowering "the number of black people," and each PP branch called agreed to process the racially earmarked donation.
"None expressed concern about the racist reasoning for the donation," The Advocate said.
The Advocate said an Ohio representative, identified as Lisa Hutton, listens to the racist reasoning, but confirmed Planned Parenthood "will accept the money for whatever reason."
Rose said her UCLA campaign has been endorsed by Alveda King, niece of Martin Luther King, who said she supports "the student campaign to get UCLA to cease its programs with Planned Parenthood."
Another Planned Parenthood branch, in Kansas, is facing 107 misdemeanor and felonies charges for allegedly violating Kansas abortion law.
WND reported Rose previously posed as a 15-year-old seeking an abortion at a Planned Parenthood center in Santa Monica, Calif. She was equipped with a hidden camera when she met with an employee to discuss her options.
When Rose revealed she was 15 and her boyfriend was 23, the employee informed her Planned Parenthood was legally required to report the statutory rape, a transcript of the conversation shows.
The Planned Parenthood representative then suggested she could say she was 16 and avoid complications.
"Well, just figure out a birth date that works. And I don't know anything," the rep said.
The Texas-based pro-life group Life Dynamics previously conducted an extensive undercover project in which an adult volunteer posing as a 13-year-old called every Planned Parenthood clinic in the U.S., saying she was pregnant by a 22-year-old boyfriend. Almost without exception, the clinics advised her to obtain an abortion without her parents' knowledge and told her how to protect her boyfriend, who would be guilty in any state of statutory rape.